Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes

Determining the Version of a Policy Agent 2.2 Web Agent

The method for determining the specific version of an installed Policy Agent 2.2 web agent is different depending upon if the web agent was developed through the OpenSSO project or not. The documentation specific to each web agent states if it was developed through the OpenSSO project. Most Policy Agent 2.2 agents were not developed through the OpenSSO project.

The following information explains how to determine the version of a web agent; therefore, you can determine if a hot patch has been applied to the web agent using the appropriate method, as follows:

OpenSSO Project Web Agents

For most OpenSSO project web agents, you can use the command line, in the PolicyAgent-base/bin directory, to issue the agentadmin --version command.

Where the agentadmin --version command does not apply, check the amAgent log file as described in the Other Web Agents section that follows.

Other Web Agents

See the amAgent log file. If you are uncertain of the location of the amAgent log file, you can find it in the web agent configuration file as the value assigned to the following property: