Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Search Archive

If the search server name is different from the default name of the machine on which the search server resides, you must manually configure the Search the Search Archive and Instant Messaging functionality.

    Manually edit the IMArchiveDisplay.jsp file located in par-src/default-portal/pbfiles/templateBaseDir/default/IMProviderfile to replace the existing rdmServer Attribute with the search server URL you are using.

    The following section of the IMArchiveDisplay.jsp file shows the section that you edit. Replace the string between <%= and %> with the URL that you are using.

    <search:setRDMServer rdmServer ='<%=  request.getScheme() +
                        "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + 
                                            request.getServerPort()+"/search1/search" %>'/>