Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference

Manifest File

The file describes what is contained in the PAR file and how the files are structured, as well as the export file version information.

The manifest file for the .par file contains the main and entries section, following the JAR manifest convention. The main section contains headers which describe the backup file version number and the top level archive directories. The following headers are included:


The manifest version number


The portal server version number


The backup file version number, the version number is an unique identification number.

The backup version number contains information about the portal domain, portal name, the backup file data type, and the backup version number. The data type can be the following: desktop, provider+channel.


A timestamp on when the backup file is created.


This is only used by the PAR utility.


The root directory in the archive for the property based files. For now, this is the root of the templates and properties file directories.


The root directory in the archive for the display profile documents.


The root for static content in the archive.


The root for the Java classes in the archive. If unspecified, the corresponding files are rooted at the top of the archive.


The root for the WAR files in the archive.

The entries section defines named entries which declare details about the backup file. When there are multiple name entries, each named entry corresponds to one parEntry when the backup target is channels, providers, or display profiles. For other backup data type, there will be only one entry. Each name entry includes the following headers:


The entry name to identify the entry.


This provides information for the import subcommand with the --autoextract option.


A comma separated list of distinguished names. This gives a complete list of which display profile documents are archived in the backup file.


List of included files or directories.


List of attribute properties files