Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Community Sample Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Template for Multi-Portal Environment

In a muti-portal environment (when there are more than one portal on the system), use PAR mechanism (as opposed to directly editing files in communityTemplateBaseDir) so that the change of community templates can be applied across multiple portals.This will allow all the portals to have the same set of community templates. If you do not wish to have synchronized environment across portals, use the instructions outlined in To Create a New Template for Single Portal Environment.

  1. Either use psadmin export --type desktop to export desktop data (which includes community templates) and then export it so the content can be edited or, create a new PAR structure from scratch with only the community templates and no other desktop data.

    Follow instructions in To Create a New Template for Single Portal Environment to edit content.

    • Create a new PAR file which contains:

         -+-- META-INF -- MANIFEST.MF
          +-- pbfiles -+-- communityTemplateBaseDir -+-- template1 -+-- owner.xml
          |                                          |              |
          |                                          |              +-- member.xml
          |                                          |              |
          |                                          |              +-- visitor.xml
          |                                          |
          |                                          +--
          |                                          |
          |                                          +--
          |                                          |
          |                                          +--
          |                                          |
          |                                          +-- ...
          +-- static -- community -- images -- template1.gif
  2. Edit or add content as needed.

  3. Create a new PAR file.

  4. Use psadmin import subcommand to import the PAR content across all portals.

    If you exported all desktop data, note that psadmin export subcommand will export all desktop data; if you create a new PAR structure from scratch with only the community templates, the command will only export community templates.

    Tip –

    For more information, see the psadmin export in Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference.