Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptoms in Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

This section includes various problems you might encounter on Windows systems. The explanation of the problem is followed by possible solutions.

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptom 1

Symptom: Cannot install the web agent after a previous installation has been removed.

Possible Causes:

Possible Solution: To resolve the issue, manually remove the web agent as explained in the following task description.

ProcedureTo Manually Remove Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

  1. Stop all of the web sites.

  2. Stop the web server instance.

  3. Remove Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1.

    1. In the Start menu, select Control Panel->Add/Remove programs

    2. Select Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent PolicyAgent-base.

    3. Click Remove

  4. Remove the PolicyAgent-base directory from the server.

    where PolicyAgent-base represents the directory in which the web agent was originally installed.

  5. Remove the following entries from the PATH variable:

    • PolicyAgent-base\bin

    • PolicyAgent-base\es6\bin

  6. Restart the server.

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptom 2

Symptom: Unable to uninstall the agent from a Windows system using the Add/Remove Program option in the Control Panel.

Possible Causes: Java’s class path might not be set correctly on the machine.

Possible Solution: Perform the following task.

ProcedureTo Uninstall a Web Agent on a Windows System When the GUI Uninstallation Fails

  1. Open Command Prompt Window.

  2. Change directories to PolicyAgent-base

  3. Execute the following command:

    java uninstall_Sun_Java_tm_System_Access_Manager_Policy_Agent

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptom 3

Symptom: Instances of Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 are not effective after modification of the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 configuration using the Administration Console

Possible Causes: The changes made by the agent installation to the server configuration files are overwritten by saving the changes in Administration Console.

Possible Solution: The right procedure when using the Administration Console is to load the configuration first (from disk file to memory), then to make modifications and save the changes (from memory to disk) by clicking the Apply button.

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptom 4

Symptom:When a user attempts to access a resource using Internet Explorer as the browser, access is denied.

Possible Cause: Internet Explorer overrides the port number of the web agent with the Access Manager port number. In such cases, the agent log file lists the URL that is being evaluated. The port number for that URL is incorrect.

Possible Solution: You can ensure this problem does not occur by setting the following property in the web agent configuration file to true as shown: = true

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptom 5

Symptom: The agent issues a message stating that the web server is not recognized. This problem is specific to Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1.

Possible Cause: Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 searches for the file WebServer.inf to verify the web server version number, but the file does not exist.

Possible Solution: Enable Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 to recognize the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instance by creating a file and adding text to that file that includes the version number of the Sun Java System Web Server instance as demonstrated in the task description that follows.

ProcedureTo Create a File To Allow Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 To Recognize the Web Server

  1. Create a directory named WebServer in the following directory of the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 instance:


    After you perform this step, the full path to this directory is as follows:

  2. Create a filed named WebServer.inf in the WebServer directory.

    After you perform this step, the full path to this file is as follows:

  3. Add the version information of Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 to the WebServer.inf file.

    After you perform this step, the WebServer.inf file includes the following type of information:

  4. Save the file.

Next Steps

Once you have properly created the WebServer.inf file, install Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1.

Windows Systems: Troubleshooting Symptom 6

Symptom: After the agent is installed, the web server fails to start.

Possible Cause: Libraries that agents depend on for Windows systems are missing. Ensuring that the libraries msvcp70.dll and msvcr70.dll are available is a pre-installation step in this guide. If the libraries were not properly added, the web server might not start.

Possible Solution: Obtain the appropriate libraries as described in Preparing to Install Agent for Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 on Windows Systems.