Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Technical Overview

About Portal Server

Portal Server provides a framework and a set of software modules that offer the following:

The product is a component of the Sun JavaTM Enterprise System (Java ES), a software system that supports a wide range of enterprise computing needs.

Portal Server allows administrators and delegated administrators to build portal pages and to make them available to individuals throughout an enterprise according to user identities.

Portal Server's core framework supports the Java Specification Request (JSR) 168 Portlet Specification standard and the web services for remote portlets (WSRP) 1.0 standard for portal content. Portlet developers can use the Sun Java Studio Creator 2 application development tool or open standard tools to build portlets. Portal administrators can then leverage portlets, WSRP consumers, or additional portal tools for adding content to portal pages.

A Portal Server installation provides the following:

Portal Server works with previously installed software components as long as the software is an appropriate version. For more information about product requirements, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Installation Guide.