Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Technical Overview

Chapter 8 Tuning Portal Server Performance

This topic describes the Sun JavaTM System Portal Serverperftune() script.

This topic provides the following sections:

About the perftune Script

Administrators typically run the Portal Server perftune script before performance tests or during system production.

The script does the following:

Configuration Changes

This section identifies configuration changes that the amtune script makes for the following Portal Server components:

For more information about the amtune script, see Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Performance Tuning Guide.

Web Server

The amtune script modifies the following Sun Java System Web Server configuration files:

Application Server

The amtune script modifies the following Sun Java System Application Server configuration files:

Directory Server

The amtune script modifies the following Sun Java System Directory Server configuration file:

Access Manager

The amtune script modifies the following Sun Java System Access Manager configuration file:

Portal Server Desktop

The amtune script modifies the following Portal Server Desktop configuration file: