Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 版本說明

CR# 6564877:Access Manager 7 修補程式安裝會覆寫 SAML v2 檔案

若已安裝 SAML v2 外掛程式,則修補程式安裝會覆寫與 SAML v2 相關的檔案,且 postpatch 程序檔會顯示此訊息:

The postpatch script detected that the SAML v2 plug-in is installed in your environment. When you run the amconfig script to redeploy the Access Manager applications, the script will recreate the amserver.war file and the SAML v2 related files will be lost. Therefore, after you run amconfig, recreate and redeploy the amserver.war file, as described in the Sun Java System SAML v2 Plug-in for Federation Services User's Guide.

解決方法:安裝修補程式並執行 amconfig 程序檔之後,請為使用 SAML v2 外掛程式的 Federation Manager 或 Access Manager 部署重新建立並重新部署 amserver.war 檔案。

如需特定步驟,請參閱「Sun Java System SAML v2 Plug-in for Federation Services User’s Guide」中的第 2 章「Installing the SAML v2 Plug-in for Federation Services」