Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference

Web Container Information: Access Manager with Application Server

This section describes the information that the installer needs when Application Server is the web container for the Identity Management and Policy Services Core subcomponent of Access Manager.

Table 1–5 Web Container Information for Access Manager with Application Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Installation Directory 


Path to the directory where Application Server is installed. 

If you are installing Application Server, this value defaults to the value you specified for the Application Server installation directory. The default value is: 

Solaris OS: /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver

Linux: /opt/sun/appserver

Access Manager Runtime Instance 


Name of the Application Server instance that will run Access Manager. 

The default value is server.

Instance Directory 


Path to the directory where Application Server stores files for the instance. Default value: 

Solaris OS: /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains

Linux: /var/opt/sun/appserver/domains

Access Manager Instance Port 


Port on which Application Server listens for connections to the instance. 

The default value is 8080.

Document Root 


Directory where Application Server stores content documents. 

The default document root is the instance directory specified by IS_IAS81INSTANCEDIR , with domainname/docroot appended at the end. For example: IS_IAS81INSTANCEDIR/domainname /docroot

Administrator User ID 


User ID of the Application Server administrator. 

The default value is the Administrator User ID you provided under Common Server Settings. Refer to Common Server Settings.

Administrator Password 


Password of the Application Server administrator. 

The default value is the Administrator User password you provided under Common Server Settings. Refer to Common Server Settings.

Administrator Port 


Port on which the Administration Server for Application Server listens for connections. 

The default value is 4849.

Secure Server Instance Port 


Specify whether the value for Instance Port (IS_IAS81INSTANCE_PORT) refers to a secure port. A secure port uses the HTTPS protocol. A non-secure port uses HTTP.

In a state file, specify https for a secure port or http for a non-secure port. The default value is http.

Secure Administration Server Port 


Specify whether the value for Administrator Port (IS_IAS81_ADMINPORT) is a secure port. A secure port uses the HTTPS protocol. A non-secure port uses HTTP.

In a state file, specify https for a secure port or http for a non-secure port. The default value is https.