Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference

Access Manager: Provisioned Directory Information

The information needed to configure a provisioned directory depends on whether the installer detects an existing provisioned directory on your host.

When the installer is generating a state file, IS_EXISTING_DIT_SCHEMA=y is written to the state file if the installer finds an existing provisioned directory. The installer writes IS_EXISTING_DIT_SCHEMA=n to the state file if the installer does not find an existing provisioned directory.

Existing Provisioned Directory Found

If the installer finds an existing provisioned directory, you provide the following information.

Table 1–11 Existing Provisioned Directory Information for Access Manager

Label and State File Parameter 


User Naming Attribute 


Naming attribute used for users in the provisioned directory. 

The default value is uid.

No Existing Provisioned Directory Found

If the installer does not find an existing provisioned directory, you can choose whether to use an existing provisioned directory. If you answer Yes to the first question in this table, you must answer the remaining questions in the table.

Table 1–12 No Existing Provisioned Directory Information for Access Manager

Label and State File Parameter 


Is Directory Server provisioned with user data? 


Specifies whether you want to use an existing provisioned directory. 

The default value is No. 

In a state value, permitted values are y or n. The default value is n.

Organization Marker Object Class 


Object class defined for the organization in the existing provisioned directory. 

This value is used only if the value for the first item in this table is Yes.

The default value is SunISManagedOrganization.

Organization Naming Attribute 


Naming attribute used to define organizations in the existing provisioned directory. 

This value is used only if the value for the first item in this table is Yes.

The default value is o.

User Marker Object Class 


Object class defined for users in the existing provisioned directory. 

This value is used only if the value for the first item in this table is Yes.

The default value is inetorgperson.

User Naming Attribute 


Naming attribute used for users in the existing provisioned directory. 

This value is used only if the value for the first item in this table is Yes.

The default value is uid.