Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference

Netlet Proxy Configuration

This section lists the information you must provide when you install the Netlet Proxy subcomponent. In this scenario, you must provide the following types of information:

Web Container Deployment Information

The following table lists the information that you specify about the web container. Information applies to either Portal Server or the load balancer

Table 1–48 Web Container Deployment Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Netlet Proxy

Label and State File Parameter 


Deployment URI 


Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that you use to deploy Portal Server. 

The value for the deployment URI must have a leading slash and must contain only one slash. 

The default value is /portal.

Access Manager Information

The following table lists the information that you must specify about Access Manager.

Table 1–49 Access Manager Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Netlet Proxy

Label and State File Parameter 


Installation Directory 


Directory in which the Access Manager component is installed. 

The default value is /opt.

Netlet Proxy Information

This section describes the Netlet Proxy information that the installer needs when you are installing Netlet Proxy.

Table 1–50 Netlet Proxy Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Netlet Proxy

Label and State File Parameter 


Host Name 


Host name of the Netlet Proxy host. 

The default value is the host name of the local host. 



Subdomain name of the Netlet Proxy host. 

There is no default value. 



Domain name of the Netlet Proxy host. 

The default value is the domain of the local host. 

Host IP Address 


IP address of the Netlet Proxy host. 

The default value is the IP address of the local host. 

Access Port 


Port on which the Netlet Proxy listens. 

The default value is 10555.

Gateway Profile Name 


Profile that contains gateway configuration information, such as listener port, SSL options, and proxy options. 

The default value is default.

Start Netlet Proxy after installation 


Directs the installer to automatically start Netlet Proxy after installation. 

In a state file, the value can be y or n. The default value is y.

Proxy Information

The following table describes information that you must enter if you are installing the proxy subcomponents on a host on which there is an existing installation of Portal Server Secure Remote Access.

Table 1–51 Proxy Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Netlet Proxy

Label and State File Parameter 


Work with Portal Server on another host? 


Select this option (or answer y in CLI mode) only if you are installing the Netlet and Rewriter proxies on this host and these proxies are interacting with a remote instance of Portal Server SRA.

Deselect this option (or answer n in CLI mode) if the Netlet and Rewriter proxies are interacting with a local instance of Portal Server SRA. 

In a state file, the permitted values are y or n. The meanings of these values in a state file is as follows:

  • y specifies that the proxies work with a local instance of Portal Server SRA

  • n specifies that the proxies work with a remote instance of Portal Server SRA

    The remaining fields in this table apply only if you select this option to indicate that these proxies will work with a remote instance of Portal Server SRA.

Portal Server Protocol 


Protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) that the gateway will use to communicate with Portal Server. 

In a state file, specify https or http. The default value is https.

Portal Server Host 


Host name of the host on which you are installing Portal Server. 

Portal Server Port 


Port used to access Portal Server. 

The default value is 8080.

Portal Server Deployment URI 


Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that you use to deploy Portal Server. 

The value for the deployment URI must have a leading slash and must contain only one slash. 

The default value is /portal.

Organization DN 


The distinguished name (DN) of the root suffix for the domain in which Portal Server is being installed. 

The default value is dc=com . You must edit this default value.

Access Manager Service URI 


Uniform Resource Identifier used to invoke Access Manager services. 

The default value is /amserver.

Access Manager Password Encryption Key 


A string containing the encryption key generated during Access Manager installation. This string is used as the seed for password generation. 

Portal Server SRA must use the encryption key that Access Manager used at installation, so the installer automatically sets the default value to that key. In the interactive installer, do not edit the displayed default value. 

After installation of Access Manager, the encryption key is mapped to the Access Manager properties file, Location is:

Solaris OS: /etc/opt/SUNWam/config

Linux: /etc/opt/sun/identity/config

The property that contains this value is am.encryption.pwd.

Certificate Information

When you are installing Gateway, Netlet Proxy, or Rewriter Proxy, you can provide information to create a self-signed certificate for use with Portal Server Secure Remote Access. The installer needs the following information to configure a certificate.

Note –

Do not use multibyte characters when providing certificate information.

Table 1–52 Certificate Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Netlet Proxy

Label and State File Parameter 




Name of your organization or company. 



Name of your division. 



Name of your city or locality. 



Name of your state or province. 

Country Code 


Two-letter country code. 

Certificate Database Password 


Password (and confirmation) that applies only to self-signed certificates.