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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 74
Instant Messaging Tags

The IMProvider content page uses a custom tag library defined in a file called im.tld which is installed into the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/tld directory. The im.tld file defines the following tags:

Table 74-1  Tags in im.tld 

Tag Name




Returns list of contact groups that the user has defined. The list is returned as a Collection of Strings where each String is the display name for a contact group.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the list of contacts in the named contact group. The list is returned as a Collection of internal objects that can be passed to the obtainContact tag.

group (required) - The name of the contact group.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the instant messaging username for the user.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the login token for the user (either an Identity Server software SSOToken or the user’s password.)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


A context setup tag that is used to obtain the presence information for the indicated contact. The remaining tags can be used inside this tag.

contact (required) - The internal identifier of the contact, typically obtained from the getContactGroup tag.


Returns the current presence status for the contact. The status can be: AWAY, BUSY, CLOSED, FORWARDED, IDLE, OPEN, OTHER. These are from the PresenceSession class in the instant messaging API.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Return the common name for the contact.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the instant messaging user name for the contact.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the update time.

format (required)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns boolean indicating whether the channel is being accessed via the Secure Remote Access Gateway component and the Netlet is loaded.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the codebase to use to download the applet. This takes into account whether the channel is being accessed via the Secure Remote Access Gateway component and the Netlet is loaded.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the -server argument to pass to the IM client. This takes into account whether the channel is being accessed via the Secure Remote Access Gateway component and the Netlet is loaded.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


The entire interface to the Instant Messaging server APIs is in the getContactGroup tag. This tag will fetch all of the presence information and cache it in the request. The remaining tags will simply fetch the information out of the cache.

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