Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for WebSphere Plug-In 3.0

Enterprise Application (EAR) Component Type

A component of this type models an enterprise application. The component can contain either an enterprise application archive (EAR) or the expanded version of an EAR as a package.

Browsing for an Enterprise Application

To begin the process, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebSphere 5.1.

  2. Click the Enterprise Application (EAR): Create link.

You can use one of the following browsers to select your enterprise application for this component type:

Note –

The WebSphere Plug-In can only install EAR files that were assembled using the IBM assemble tool. These files contain configuration settings that the plug-in requires.

Installing an Enterprise Application

To install an enterprise application component, you must use a WebSphere application server instance or cluster as the target host. The installation process performs three main tasks:

  1. Installs the EAR file on the target.

  2. Registers the EAR with the WebSphere Application Server.

You can install the enterprise application by navigating to the application's component Details page and running the Install component procedure.

Note –

For the changes to take effect, you might need to restart the application server after the application is installed

Uninstalling an Enterprise Application

When you uninstall an enterprise application component, the enterprise application no longer targets the virtual host. If the enterprise application is not targeted elsewhere, the registration component is removed from the application server .

You can uninstall the enterprise application by navigating to the application's component Details page and running the Uninstall component procedure.

Starting and Stopping an Enterprise Application

You can start and stop enterprise applications that have been installed with the provisioning system.

ProcedureHow to Start or Stop an Enterprise Application

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebSphere 5.1.

  2. Click the Enterprise Applications (EAR): View All link.

    The Components page displays.

  3. Select the enterprise application that you plan to start or stop, and click Details.

    The component Details page displays.

  4. In the Component Procedures table, select the Start or Stop procedure and click Run.

    The plan's Run page displays.

  5. Select the virtual host of the application server that hosts the enterprise application that you plan to start or stop.

  6. Click Run Selected Installations.

    The plan Run page displays.

  7. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).

Installing Web Application (WAR) and Java Archive (JAR) File

WebSphere does not support WAR and JAR files. If you need to install a WAR or JAR file through the provisioning system, use the WebSphere Assemble tool to convert the file to the EAR format. After you export the file, you can use the provisioning system to deploy it.