Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for WebSphere Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Install a Standalone WebSphere Application Server

You must install a standalone application server before you can set up application server instances to service your applications. A standalone application server can hold a set of application server instances. The standalone application server can be managed as a single entity or by a deployment manager. All information about the application server is contained both on the application server and, if used, on the deployment manager.

When you create a new standalone application server by installing the component, you also:

You can use this procedure to create a standalone WebSphere application server or you can use this procedure to register an existing standalone application server within the provisioning system.

Note –

This task is performed as root.

Before You Begin

To create a standalone application server, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. Ensure that your WebSphere session variables, WS_DEFAULT_USER and WS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD, are set.

    For more information about session variables, see Chapter 5, Session Variables, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Plan and Component Developer’s Guide.

  2. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebSphere 5.1.

  3. Click the WebSphere Application Server for Standalone Systems: Install link.

    The plan's Details page displays.

  4. Click Run.

    The plan's Run page displays.

  5. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the StandaloneInstall component that you plan to deploy.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly updated variables for the StandaloneInstall component. You can keep the default values for most variables.

        Note –

        If you change the default port values for the standalone application server, ensure that they do not conflict with the deployment manager's port values.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create.


        Required. The location where you plan to install WebSphere 5.1. The default value for installPath is the install path that was used during the most recent installation of a WebSphere component.

        Note –

        The value for the installPath variable is treated as a relative path to the default Remote Agent directory, unless you specify an absolute path, such as /opt or c:\mydir. For example, for a Windows Remote Agent, if you set the installPath variable to c/mydir, and deploy the file to an Agent with a default Remote Agent directory of c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent, the file is deployed to c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent\c\mydir.


        Required. The location of the standalone application server installer.

        Note –

        Do not include extra spaces after the path name.


        Required. The name of the standalone application server virtual host.

    • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

      For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  6. In the Plan Parameters area, select the Default variable set for the AppInstance component that you plan to deploy.

    Note –

    If you decide to create a new variable set, do not change the application server instance name. The name must be server1. If you do change the wasServer component variable from its default value of server1, the new value is ignored. The application server instance, server1, is installed.

  7. Select the target host.

    The standalone application server is installed on the remote agent that you select as target host.

    Note –

    The target host must be a member of the com.sun.was#InstallTargetsHS host set.

  8. Deselect the Target Host Set checkbox.

  9. If you are capturing an existing standalone application server within the provisioning system, select the markOnly Install option.

    This option enables you to create a component that represents an existing WebSphere 5.1 object and then manage the object through the provisioning system.

  10. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).

  11. View the Hosts page to verify that the standalone application server and application server instance virtual hosts were created.