Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for WebSphere Plug-In 3.0

Chapter 2 Release Notes for WebSphere 3.0 Plug-In

This chapter describes late-breaking news and known issues for the WebSphere 3.0 plug-in.

This chapter contains the following information:

Installation Issues

There are no known installation issues.

Runtime Issue

The following issue is known to exist when running the WebSphere 3.0 plug-in.

Windows x86: Uninstallation of App Instance That Is Not Running Fails (6385493)

When attempting to delete the AppServer instance that was stopped by using the WebSphere 3.0 plug-in, the DeleteAppInstance plan fails with the following error:

Server is not running

Workaround: Start the App Instance. Then uninstall it in Windows.