Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 8 Plug-In 3.0

Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring the WebLogic 8 Plug-In

This chapter explains how to install and configure the WebLogic 8 plug-in. The chapter contains the following information:

Acquiring the WebLogic 8 Plug-In

Acquiring the BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in is a two-step process. First, you must add the package file that contains the BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in JAR file to your system. Then you must import the BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in JAR file.

The BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in is packaged as a plug-in to the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software. The plug-in files for the BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in are available from the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System Supplement CD or from the Sun Download Center.

Once the package file is added to your system, the WebLogic 8 Plug-In is available for import from two different JAR files. Choose the correct file depending on your situation.

  1. Add the file containing the JAR file:

  2. Import the JAR file - Adding the WebLogic 8 Plug-In to the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System.

Adding the WebLogic 8 Plug-In for Solaris

The BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in is contained in the SUNWspswl8 package.

ProcedureTo Add the WebLogic 8 Plug-In Package for Solaris

  1. In a terminal window, become superuser.

  2. Move to the directory containing the plug-in package.

  3. Type the following command and press Return.

    # pkgadd -d package_directory SUNWspswl8

    The standalone JAR file is in the /opt/SUNWn1sps/plugins/com.sun.weblogic8/ directory. The upgrade JAR file is in the /opt/SUNWn1sps/plugins/com.sun.weblogic8/Upgradedirectory.

Adding the WebLogic 8 Plug-In for Linux

The BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in is contained in the sun-spswl8-3.0-1.noarch.rpm file.

ProcedureTo Add the WebLogic 8 Plug-In Package for Linux

  1. In a terminal window, become superuser.

  2. Move to the directory containing the sun-spswl8-3.0-1.noarch.rpm file.

  3. Type the following command and press Return.

    # rpm -i package_directory sun-spswl8-3.0-1.noarch.rpm

    The standalone JAR file is in the /opt/SUNWn1sps/plugins/com.sun.weblogic8/ directory. The upgrade JAR file is in the /opt/SUNWn1sps/plugins/com.sun.weblogic8/Upgradedirectory.

Adding the WebLogic 8 Plug-In for Windows

The BEA WebLogic 8 plug-in is contained in the sun-spswl8-3.0.msi Microsoft Installer (MSI) package file.

ProcedureTo Add the WebLogic 8 Plug-In MSI File for Windows

  1. Move to the directory containing the sun-spswl8-3.0.msi file.

  2. Double-click the sun-spswl8-3.0.msi file.

    The Installer GUI starts. The JAR file is copied to the c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\plugins\com.sun.weblogic8 directory.

Adding the WebLogic 8 Plug-In to the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System

To make a given plug-in known to the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System product, you need to import the plug-in to the Master Server. To import a plug-in, follow these steps as explained in detail in Chapter 5, Plug-In Administration, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 System Administration Guide.

ProcedureHow to Import the WebLogic 8 Plug-In Using the Browser Interface

To import or upgrade a plug-in, follow these steps as explained in detail in Chapter 5, Plug-In Administration, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 System Administration Guide

  1. In the Administrative section of the browser interface main window, click Plug-ins.

  2. In the Action column of the Plug-ins page, click Import.

  3. Browse to the location of the JAR file.

    • If you are importing the WebLogic 8 Plug-In for the first time, select the com.sun.weblogic8_3.0.jar file.

    • If you have already imported a previous version of the WebLogic 8 Plug-In, select the com.sun.weblogic8_2.0_3.0.jar file.

  4. Click the Continue to Import button.

    When the import complete successfully, a plug-in details page appears and shows you the objects that the plug-in provides.

ProcedureHow to Import the WebLogic 8 Plug-In using the CLI

You can also import a plug-in by using the command line.


    To import a plug-in file from the CLI, type:

    % cr_cli -cmd plg.p.add -path plugin-filename -u username -p password
    • If you are importing the WebLogic 8 Plug-In for the first time, plugin-filename is com.sun.weblogic8_3.0.jar.

    • If you have already imported the previous version of the WebLogic 8 Plug-In, plugin-filename is com.sun.weblogic82.0_3.0.jar.

ProcedureHow to Install the WebLogic Software

You need to install the WebLogic software before you create WebLogic domains, Administration Servers, or Managed Servers. When you install the WebLogic software, a virtual host that represents the software installation is created. You use this virtual host later as the target host for WebLogic Administration Servers and Managed Servers.

Managed Servers and Administration Servers use the same Install component, which installs the WebLogic 8 software on the Remote Agent. After you have installed the Install component on a Remote Agent, you do not have to reinstall that component again.

You can use this procedure to install the WebLogic software or you can use this procedure to register existing software within the provisioning system by selecting the markOnly option.

Before You Begin

Review the Process Overview

  1. Set the WebLogic session variables: WL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD and WL_DEFAULT_USER.

    See Chapter 5, Session Variables, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Plan and Component Developer’s Guide.

  2. Prepare all hosts.

    The WebLogic 8 plug-in contains a new system service that must be distributed to all hosts in the provisioning system. See Preparing a Physical Host in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 System Administration Guide.

  3. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic 8.

  4. Click the WebLogic Software Installation: Install link.

    The plan's Details page displays.

  5. Click Run.

    The Run page displays.

  6. In the Plan Parameters area, select the variable settings for the Install component that you plan to deploy.

    • If the variable settings have been established for this component, select the appropriate settings from the menu.

    • If the settings are not available from the menu, click Select From List.

      The Select Variable Settings From List window displays.

      • To create a new set of variable settings, select Create Set.

        The following list provides commonly updated variables for the Install component.

        variable set name

        Required. A name for the new variable set you create


        Required. The WebLogic BEAHOME directory. The default value for beaHome is /usr/local/bea. You need to update this value if you plan to have multiple installations of the WebLogic software on one machine.

        Note –

        This directory or link must exist or be able to be created by the weblogicUser. If the directory or link exists, the weblogicUser must have write access to the directory.


        Required for all non-markOnly installations. The absolute path to the WebLogic binary package installer or JAR file.


        Required only for Solaris x86 installations. The absolute path to the WebLogic Solaris x86 Supplemental JAR file.


        Required only for AIX and Solaris x86 JAR file installers. JAVA_HOME for SDK version 1.4.2, or compatible version.


        Optional. Sets the WebLogic components to be installed. The WebLogic 8 Plug-In only supports the installation and configuration of WebLogic Server.

        By default, the software required to run WebLogic domains and application servers is installed. If additional components are selected, more space (beyond the 350 Mbytes) is required.


        Optional. An alternative directory to expand the install image. The default value is the /var/tmp directory. If the /var/tmp/ directory does not contain 1 Gbyte of available space, set altTempDir to another directory.


        Required. The UNIX user to run the WebLogic installation. This user must exist on the host to be installed and must have write permission on the beaHome directory. You can change the default value from weblogic to this to root if you do not want to create a new user.


        Required. The unique virtual hostname for this installation. This value is used as the target host during domain and Managed Server creation. You need to provide a unique value for this variable for each installation of WebLogic.

        Note –

        If you install the WebLogic software multiple times on the same host, you need to change this variable to a new value. beaHome must also be different for each installation.

        1. In the text field at the top of the table, type the name of the new variable settings set.

        2. To change the path to where you plan to install WebLogic, select the installPath row and type the correct path.

          The installPath variable, beaHome variable, and the WebLogic BEAHome of installation plan variable must contain the same value .

          The default value for these three variables is /usr/local/bea.

          Note –

          The value for the installPath variable is treated as a relative path to the default Remote Agent directory, unless you specify an absolute path, such as /opt or c:\mydir. For example, for a Windows Remote Agent, if you set the installPath variable to c\mydir and deploy the file to an Agent with a default home directory of c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent, the file is deployed to c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent\c\mydir.

        3. To change the location of the WebLogic installer, select the sourceImage row and type the new location.

        4. To include additional WebLogic components in this installation, select the componentPaths row and type the additional components.

          Additional components can be specified in a pipe-separated list. For example, WebLogic Server|WebLogic Workshop|WebLogic Integration|WebLogic Portal.

        5. Click Save.

          The new variable settings display in the table.

        6. Click Select.

    • To use variable components from another component, click Import Set.

      For more information about importing variable sets, see How to Run a Plan in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Operation and Provisioning Guide.

  7. Select the target host.

    Install the WebLogic software on the Remote Agent that you plan to use as an Administration Server or a Managed Server.

  8. If you are capturing an existing WebLogic domain within the provisioning system, select the markOnly option.

  9. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).

Upgrading Considerations

This section describes issues that you might need to consider after upgrading to a new plug-in version.

ProcedureHow to Access Previous Versions of a Component

When you upgrade to a new version of a plug-in, the Common Tasks page for the plug-in is updated to provide links to components that are installed with the new plug-in version. This feature enables you to easily view components that contain the most current features and improvements. Components that rely on old functionality are not linked to from the Common Tasks page.

If you have trouble finding a component that you previously installed, the component was likely created from the previous version of the plug-in.

Follow these steps to view or work with a previous version of the component:

  1. Click the appropriate component procedure on the Common Tasks page.

    The Component Detail page appears.

  2. On the Component Details page, click Version History.

    A list of components and versions appears.

  3. Click the appropriate link.

    • To perform a task with a component, click the version number or the Details link that applies to the component that you want to use.

    • To view where a component is installed, click Where Installed.

Patching the WebLogic 8 Plug-In

Check the SunSolve site for available patches for the WebLogic 8 Plug-In. To apply the patch, follow the instructions in the patch README file.