Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 8 Plug-In 3.0


If you are experiencing problems managing WebLogic through the provisioning software, messages will likely appear on the screen to tell you that a problem exists.

Problems encountered during plan run or preflight
The plan (or preflight) "/com/sun/weblogic8/InstallAdminServerPlan" 
finished with 1 failed host(s). (017034)
Unable to find session variable "WL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" (Unresolved 
session variable WL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD. This session variable was 
automatically created when the system was unable to find it.). 
Add this session variable and try the operation again. (040111)

Although the message in this example is easily understood, not all messages are this straightforward.

The following message means that the JMX interface on the Administration Server was not available or the login information is wrong.

Admin Server adminHost JMX interface
 running on port portNumber is not available;
Admin Server must be running for this operation.

To find out more information about the specific problem, follow the Run History Details links until you reach the final error block. View the output of stderr and stdout for details on the error condition.

Examples of WebLogic Installation Error Messages

This section includes examples of error messages that you might encounter during the installation of WebLogic.

Example 4–2 Invalid User Message

The user specified is not a valid system users: weblogic (017056)

You must create the system user “weblogic” or change the Install variable weblogicUser to an existing user.

Example 4–3 Target Host Error Message

Specified target(s) "sol01" were not in the required host set
 "com.sun.weblogic8#SupportedHS". (017087)

This error message could result for two reasons:

Example 4–4 Error Message in a Raise Step

Error: Installation could not be preformed check the deployment details
 for more information.

You must check the deployment details of the final execNative control to find information from the WebLogic installer.

The following messages are examples of what could be contained in the stdout output.