Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 8 Plug-In 3.0

Chapter 1 Overview of the WebLogic 8 Plug-In

This chapter explains general information about using Sun N1 Service Provisioning System to provision BEA WebLogic 8 applications. This chapter includes the following information:

Purpose of the WebLogic 8 Plug-In

The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software provides enhanced capabilities in support for BEA WebLogic 8 applications. You can provision the WebLogic 8 infrastructure by installing domains, managed servers, and clusters with the provisioning software. Once installed, you can manage your WebLogic environment by starting and stopping managed servers and domains. You can also browse existing applications to capture previously installed applications and deploy those applications throughout your enterprise.

What the WebLogic 8 Plug-In Includes

The WebLogic 8 Plug-In includes several WebLogic-specific component types, along with pre-defined components and resource files that enable you to easily capture, configure and deploy WebLogic Enterprise, Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™) technology, and Web Applications. These component types can be grouped into three families:

The WebLogic 8 Plug-In also includes several plans that install and remove the WebLogic Administration Servers, Managed Servers, and Clusters.

Requirements for Using the WebLogic 8 Plug-In

The WebLogic 8 plug-in supports the WebLogic Server Version 8.1 on the following platforms.

Any host on which you intend to deploy the WebLogic 8 plug-in must meet the following requirements. These requirements represent minimum prerequisites for installation.

Disk space

On UNIX systems, approximately 375 Mbytes free storage space for the installed product.

Approximately 1 Gbyte of temporary storage space is required by the installer in the /var/tmp directory. If no space exists in the /var/tmp folder, use the altTempDir component variable to create an alternate temporary directory. See How to Install the WebLogic Software for more information.


512 Mbytes (minimum); 1 Gbyte (recommended)

Java run-time environment (JRE)

The WebLogic Server installation program requires a JRE to run. The following requirements are summarized from the BEA's list of supported configurations. You can find the complete list on BEA's WebLogic 8.1 product documentation website.

Table 1–1 JRE Requirements

Java SDK already installed 

Included in Installation 


IBM SDK 1.4.2 


RedHat Linux 


WebLogic JRockit 1.4.2_04 SDK 

Solaris x86 

Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.2_04 


Solaris SPARC 


Sun Java SDK 1.4.2_04 

Table 1–2 WebLogic Install Media Requirements

Binary Installer 

JAR Installer 

Supplemental JAR file 




RedHat Linux 


Solaris x86 


Solaris SPARC 


Your configurations might require additional resources depending on the applications that are installed. For BEA's WebLogic requirements, see the WebLogic Platform 8.1 Supported Configurations web page.