Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for BEA WebLogic 8 Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Create Cluster Members

Cluster nodes are Managed Servers assigned to a cluster. You will want to create cluster members to make your applications highly available and scalable.

When a Managed Server joins the cluster, the applications that are currently targeted to the Managed Server continue to target that server, the application deployment state is preserved. The plan that creates the cluster members automatically stops the Managed Server to add it to the cluster. After the Managed Server is added, the plan restarts the Managed Server.

You can use this procedure to create a new cluster member or you can use this procedure to register an existing cluster member within the provisioning system by selecting the markOnly option.

Before You Begin

Before you can create cluster members, the following requirements must be met.

To create a cluster member, you must belong to a user group that has the Run Component Procedures permission on the folder that contains the component. You must also have the Allow on Host Set permission for the host set on which you plan to deploy the component.

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic 8.

  2. Click the Cluster Member Management: Join link.

    The plan's Details page displays.

  3. Click Run.

    The plan's Run page displays.

  4. Choose the Managed Server that you want to add to the cluster.

    • Select the Target Host by typing the Managed Server's name or selecting it from a list.

    • Select the Target Host Set from the menu.

  5. Verify that the plan variable WebLogic Cluster Name contains the correct cluster name.

  6. To specify how long the provisioning system waits before verifying that the server was restarted, type the number of seconds in the Seconds to Wait Before Failing Verify Step field.

  7. If you are capturing an existing WebLogic cluster member within the provisioning system, select the markOnly option.

  8. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).