Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Enable the Master Server to Use Session IDs

  1. Edit the Master Server configuration file.

    By default, this file is located at the following location:

  2. If this is an existing N1 SPS installation, follow these steps:

    1. Find the session ID entry that looks similar to the following: config.allowSessionIDOnHosts=masterserver,biss1

    2. Change the value after the equals sign to the names of the OS provisioning server and the Solaris boot and install server.

      For example: config.allowSessionIDOnHosts=myspsserver,sol10bis

  3. If this is a new N1 SPS installation, add a line similar to the following: config.allowSessionIDOnHosts=masterserver,biss1

    The value after the equals sign must include the names of the OS provisioning server and the Solaris boot and install server.

  4. Adjust global plan execution timeouts for your environment.

    Change the following entries in the file:


    Where the timeouts are in seconds. Timeout should be greater than the longest plan run operation that you expect for your site. The default plan timeout is 30 minutes (1800 seconds). The default native timeout is 10 minutes (600 seconds). The above example shows an arbitrary higher timeout value of 200 minutes (12000 seconds).

  5. To enable these changes, stop and restart the Master Server.

    Login to the Master Server as n1sps and type the following commands:

    # cr_server stop
    # cr_server start

    By default, these commands are in the following file:
