Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Set Up a Windows Image on the Windows RIS Server

  1. Copy the Windows distribution from a CD or Network Share to the RIS server CIFS.

    Use the RiSetup.exe utility. Select the Keep old existing OSC files option when you create the RIS image.

    Note –

    Do not use MSDN Combo CDs to create a RIS Image. You will get an error message that was described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article #300556.To resolve this issue, please use a retail version of the OS image being created.

    If you are using a Windows distribution with integrated Service Packs, follow the instructions in the following sitesto create your RIS image.

    • Download Windows 2000 Service Pack 3

      Download the appropriate service pack from this site. Select the Windows 2000 SP3 Network Installation Windows 2000 SP3 Network Installation download. Similar download pages are available for other Windows OS versions at this site.

  2. Add the required drivers to the RIS image created in the previous step.

    Be sure to include all the drivers, such as those for the network adapter, SCSI hard drives, video, and modem.

    For more information about adding drivers to RIS images, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 315279, Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 246184, and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 254078.

    Note –

    Create the distribution folder accordingly.

    See the sample setup files and drivers in the SampleSIFFiles and SampleDrivers folders for more details.

  3. (Optional) Copy N1 SPS Remote Agent binary to the folder product-directory/$OEM$/$1/N1OSP/ under the image distribution folder.

    product-directory is the Windows image distribution folder that has "i386" or “amd64” as a subfolder that contains the kernel files.

    Note –

    If this folder layout does not exist, create the layout.

    The script expects the N1OSP folder to be part of the image. Copy the tools required for provisioning to this directory path product-directory/$OEM$/$1/N1OSP/. Do not change the N1OSP folder name.

    After you copy the N1 SPS Remote Agent binary to the folder, the directory contents resemble the following example.

         Volume in drive D is Local Disk
         Volume Serial Number is A8D9-4012
         Directory of D:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English\Images\WIN2003_TRIAL\$OEM$\$1\N1OSP
         02/04/2005	 02:39 PM    <DIR>	    .
         02/04/2005	 02:39 PM    <DIR>	    ..
         01/31/2005	 03:33 PM	 27,595,776 cr_ra_win32_5.2.msi