Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

copy_media Interface

Called on

JumpStart server

<patches|packages> version srcdir destdir arch
Required or optional?


The copy_media script is called when the user calls the copy_product_media or copy_product_patches scripts to manage the media for this module. The script should understand what format the application is delivered in, and perform the copy from the passed source media location, to the appropriate media location on the server. This function allows the module to handle exotic forms of media (tar, gz, zip, bz2, and so on), without the main toolkit requiring to be updated for each media type. It also enables the module developer to place the media onto the server in a known state. For example, a product may require a whole directory tree to be visible, or just a bunch of Solaris packages.