Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

Custom Files

The custom module enables files to be created, overwritten, or appended to on the target server. Files are referenced by a value that defines three items:

For example, for a target server called banana the following line in the custom area of the template would append the contents of the file /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/banana/hosts on the JumpStart server to the file /etc/hosts on the machine banana while it was being built.


The source files must be placed correctly before the build of the target server. The files must be located within the /opt/SUNWjet directory tree.

Note –

Do not use absolute paths for the source file.

Do not refer to files that are outside of the tree, such as /etc/hosts or /etc/passwd.

The middle field of the triple specifies whether to append or overwrite the destination file on the target server. If a set of files are common to a number of target servers, consider creating a holding area within the /opt/SUNWjet/Clients directory. Place the common files within that directory. The templates for the target servers can then refer to the files as:

custom_files="../common/hosts:a:/etc/hosts ../common/ftpusers:o:/etc/ftpusers" 

Where the files are placed in /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common rather than multiple copies in each target server specific directory. Because the template file is a Bourne shell script, you can use regular techniques to continue lines. Use the \ character, or append information to the variable custom_files="${custom_files} ......".