Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Set up TFTP Access

If you use JET to create your RedHat Linux image server, the TFTP service is automatically configured to support provisioning. You need to create or copy additional directories and files to the TFTP root directory on the boot and install server. The OS distribution should be accessible through NFS for each subnet served from this boot and install server.

Before You Begin

Be sure that the appropriate TFTP server software is installed on the boot and install server.

  1. Copy or create the following directories under the TFTP root directory:

    Note –

    This task uses /tftpboot as an example of the TFTP root directory.

  2. For RedHat Linux provisioning profiles that do not use JET, copy the following files to the TFTP root directory

    • vmlinuz – The installation kernel found under the distribution, in /images/pxeboot.

    • initrd.img – The installation RAM disk found under the distribution, in /images/pxeboot.

    If you want to support provisioning of multiple releases of the RedHat Linux OS, assign a unique name to this file, such as vmlinuz_3.0.