Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Command-Line Interface)

To manage the subnet from the command line, follow these steps:

  1. Create the variables set.

    Type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd cdb.vs.add -comp NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/Subnet -name "subnet1" \
    -u admin -p admin -vars "installPath=;mask=;gateway=; \

    For more information about the variables, see Step 4 in How to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface).

  2. Run the plan to create the subnet using the variables set created in the previous step.

    Type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd -u admin -p admin -PID NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/Subnet-create  \
    -tar H:NM:masterserver-osp -comp - -vs subnet1 -pto 30 -nto 10