Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to Use JET Server for Boot Params

By default, the OS provisioning server supplies the DHCP target host information for boot configuration. In cases of manual reboot for Solaris target hosts, you can use the JET server as an RARP boot params server instead.

  1. When you create the Generic Target host, set the osp_control_service variable to FALSE.

    For information about creating the Generic Target host, see Defining a Generic Target Host. Setting the variable to FALSE changes the target host from an OS provisioning-served target host address to a JET-served target host address.

  2. To configure the JET server for RARP boot params service, change the JS_CLIENT_MANAGEMENT value in the /opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpstart.conf file.

    For example, on a SPARC system:


    Note –

    When booting the target host, an example console boot command to boot and install a target host over the network is boot net - install.