Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

Installing the OS on the Target Host

Profiles are used to provision OS Images to target Hosts. These Profiles are found in /com/sun/n1osp/autogen...provision folders. One new Profile is added to a provision folder each time a new OS Image is created (or attached).

ProcedureHow to Install the OS on the Target Host

Before You Begin

Verify that the target host BIOS is set to the correct day and time. If the day and time in the BIOS is set to a past date, the installation of the suse-build-key RPM fails, and the installation switches to interactive mode. This failure occurs because the BIOS does not accept the RPM encryption keys that are used by the distribution, as these keys appear to apply to a future day and time.

Ensure that the network interfaces on the boot and install server are properly configured.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the provisioning software page, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Provision OS in the Linux Images section.

  3. Navigate to the Linux folder that contains the provision component.

    For example, /com/sun/n1osp/autogen-bikickstart-linux/provision/suse/SLES9_x86

  4. Select the component name.

  5. On the Component Details page, click the Run action next to the Provision_start:Install procedure.

  6. Select the target host on which to provision the operating system.

    Tip –

    The target host should have a host name that ends in -target.

  7. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

ProcedureHow to Check OS Provisioning Status

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the provisioning software page, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Status in the OS Provisioning Administration Tasks section.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. On the Plan Details Run page, select the target host on which you provisioned the operating system.

  5. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

  6. Follow the Details links to view the status.