Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.0

Defining an HP ILO Target Host

The following tasks show how to define an HP ILO host, for example an HP ProLiant series system.

ProcedureHow to Create an HP ILO Target Host (Browser Interface)

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Create in the HP ILO Targets sub-section of the Target Hosts section.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. Choose variables to use for this plan.

    • To use an existing variables set, select a name from the drop-down menu in the HPILO component row of the Plan Parameters table.

    • To create a new variables set, click Select from List in the HPILO component row of the Plan Parameters table.

      1. Click Create Set.

      2. Type a name for the variables set.

      3. Verify variables and change them, if needed.

        The prompts in the component variables table are mostly self-explanatory. However, if you need more information, see the detailed list of variables, along with default values and examples in HP ILO Target Host Variables.

      4. Decide whether to provide passwords in the variables set or in the plan prompts.

        There are two methods for providing the passwords:

        • Type appropriate encrypted values in the following variables:



          For information about encrypting the passwords, see Password Encryption.

        • Leave the component variables blank and enter the password in the plan prompts provided in the plan run page.

      5. Save the variables set.

      6. Select the variables set that you just saved from the drop-down menu in the HPILO component row of the Plan Parameters table.

  5. On the Plan Details Run page, select the provisioning server on which to define the target host.

    Tip –

    The host name of the OS provisioning server ends in -osp.

  6. To encrypt the password from the plan, follow these steps on the Plan Details Run page.

    1. Click the checkbox next to “If you are specifying the ILO password below.”

    2. Type the password in the Password to Access ILO field.

      The password encrypts as you type.

  7. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

  8. To verify that the target host is created successfully, click the Hosts link in the left side of the N1 SPS browser interface.

    You should see the name of the virtual host appended with -target. For example, if you defined a provisioning target for host hp-proliant-1, the virtual host is hp-proliant-1-target.

ProcedureHow to Create an HP ILO Target Host (Command-Line Interface)

  1. To create a variable set for the HPILO component, type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd cdb.vs.add -comp NM:/com/sun/n1osp/targets/HPILO -name "hpProliant" \
    -u admin -p admin -vars "installPath=HP-Proliant;description=Test description; \
    ethernet_mac_address=00:0E:7F:FD:85:26;ethernet_ip_address=; \
    ethernet_netmask=;architecture=x86;kernel_arch=i86pc; \
    guid={4D303435-4C47-5037-3239-202020202020};disk_size=20GB;ilo_ip_address=; \

    For more information about the variables, see HP ILO Target Host Variables.

  2. To set up the appropriate password access, create a file that contains the following entries:



    • The first line in the file corresponds to checking the “If you are specifying the ILO password below” box in plan variables section of the browser interface.

    • The second line in the file is the password to access ILO.

    Make sure to name the file something useful so that you can remember it for the next step. For example, you might name the file /tmp/hp-proliant.

  3. To run the plan and create the target host, type a command similar to the following example:

    # cat /tmp/hp-proliant | cr_cli -cmd -u admin -p admin  \
    -PID NM:/com/sun/n1osp/targets/HPILO-create -tar H:NM:masterserver-osp -comp + \
    -vs hpProliant -pto 30 -nto 10 -f /tmp/hp-proliant