Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Oracle Database Plug-In 3.0



You encounter an error when installing the database software.


Check the value of your installerHome variable. The variable automatically appends certain information to the installerHome value. For example, if the Oracle software is in the directory /appsrc/Disk1/runInstaller, set the installerHome variable to just /appsrc. When needed, the plug-in appends Disk1/... to the path defined in the installerHome variable.


You encounter a failure when deploying a component.


Follow these steps:

  1. Remove any files deployed in the path specified by either the installPath or the ORACLE_BASE variable.

  2. Remove the file oraInst.loc in the /etc directory on Linux systems or in the /var/opt/oracle directory on Solaris systems.

  3. Kill any processes that the oracle user owns.

  4. Try the deployment again.