Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Oracle Database Plug-In 3.0

Managing the Database

The Oracle Database Plug-In enables you to perform the following administrative tasks on your Oracle database.

ProcedureHow to Start the Oracle Database

This procedure describes how use the Oracle Database Plug-In to start or restart a single instance Oracle database.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select the appropriate Oracle Database entry.

  2. On the Oracle Database Common Tasks page, click Start.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. On the Plan Details Run page, provide plan variables information.

    1. Set the version settings by clicking on the appropriate link in the Plan Parameters table.

    2. Set the variable settings by clicking on the appropriate link in the Plan Parameters table.

    3. Select the target host on which you want to start the database.

    4. In the Plan Variables section, set the install path of the single instance component.

    5. In the Plan Variables section, set the name of the Oracle service that you want to start on the target host.

    6. If you are restarting the database, set the shutdown mode to use to bring down the database before the restart.

    7. If the database uses ASM, check the box next to Database uses Automatic Storage Management.

    8. If the database is already running, check the box next to Restart, if already running.

  5. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

ProcedureHow to Stop the Oracle Database

This procedure describes how use the Oracle Database Plug-In to stop a single instance Oracle database.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select the appropriate Oracle Database entry.

  2. On the Oracle Database Common Tasks page, click Stop.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. On the Plan Details Run page, provide plan variables information.

    1. Set the version settings by clicking on the appropriate link in the Plan Parameters table.

    2. Set the variable settings by clicking on the appropriate link in the Plan Parameters table.

    3. Select the target host on which you want to stop the database.

    4. In the Plan Variables section, set the install path of the single instance component.

    5. In the Plan Variables section, set the name of the Oracle service that you want to stop on the target host.

    6. Set the shutdown mode to use to bring down the database.

    7. If the database uses ASM, check the box next to Stop Automatic Storage Management.

  5. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

ProcedureHow to Verify That the Oracle Database Is Running

This procedure describes how use the Oracle Database Plug-In to verify that a single instance of the Oracle database is currently running..

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select the appropriate Oracle Database entry.

  2. On the Oracle Database Common Tasks page, click Verify.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. On the Plan Details Run page, provide plan variables information.

    1. Set the version settings by clicking on the appropriate link in the Plan Parameters table.

    2. Set the variable settings by clicking on the appropriate link in the Plan Parameters table.

    3. Select the target host on which you want to verify that the database is running.

    4. In the Plan Variables section, set the install path of the single instance component.

    5. In the Plan Variables section, set the name of the Oracle service that you want to stop on the target host.

  5. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

  6. Verify that the Oracle database is running by clicking the stdout link.

    The status of the database is displayed in the stdout window.

    • If the database is running, a message that is similar to the following is displayed.

      Total System Global Area  320308312 bytes
      Fixed Size             730200 bytes
      Variable Size          285212672 bytes
      Database Buffers       33554432 bytes
      Redo Buffers             811008 bytes
    • If the database is not running, a message that is similar to the following is displayed.

      ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

If the Oracle database is not running, restart the database. For more information, see How to Start the Oracle Database.

ProcedureHow to View Information About Oracle Database Remote Agents

The Oracle Database Plug-In enables you to view information about Oracle database Remote Agents. Follow these steps to view this information.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select the appropriate Oracle Database entry.

  2. On the Oracle Database Common Tasks page, click View All.

    The Components Details Where Installed page displays. The Hosts Where Installed table lists the Remote Agents on which the Oracle database software has been installed. The Hosts Where Installed table lists the following information for each Remote Agent.

    • Host name of the Remote Agent

    • Install path of the Oracle database component that was used to install the Remote Agent

    • Variable setting that was used to install the database

    • Version of the component used to install the database

    • Date and time when the database was installed

    • Plan used to install the database

    • User name of the user that installed the database

    The Actions column of the Hosts Where Installed table enables you to view more detailed information for each host.

    • To view the host type for each host, as well as the host sets and other hosts that are related to each host, click the Details link.

    • To view information about the components installed on each host, including component dependencies, click the Relationships link.

    • To view the Plan Run History for this component, click the Results link.