Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Oracle Database Plug-In 3.0

ProcedureHow to View Information About Oracle Database Remote Agents

The Oracle Database Plug-In enables you to view information about Oracle database Remote Agents. Follow these steps to view this information.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select the appropriate Oracle Database entry.

  2. On the Oracle Database Common Tasks page, click View All.

    The Components Details Where Installed page displays. The Hosts Where Installed table lists the Remote Agents on which the Oracle database software has been installed. The Hosts Where Installed table lists the following information for each Remote Agent.

    • Host name of the Remote Agent

    • Install path of the Oracle database component that was used to install the Remote Agent

    • Variable setting that was used to install the database

    • Version of the component used to install the database

    • Date and time when the database was installed

    • Plan used to install the database

    • User name of the user that installed the database

    The Actions column of the Hosts Where Installed table enables you to view more detailed information for each host.

    • To view the host type for each host, as well as the host sets and other hosts that are related to each host, click the Details link.

    • To view information about the components installed on each host, including component dependencies, click the Relationships link.

    • To view the Plan Run History for this component, click the Results link.