Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Deploy Sample Content (Any One Sample) on a New Portal

  1. Make a copy of the PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/portals/shared/ file and edit the following properties in the file.

    • ps.config.location=/etc/opt/SUNWps



      Tip –

      You can find out the exact instance-id from the output of psadmin list-portals command.

    • ps.access.url=http://host.domain:port/portal For example,

    • ps.webapp.uri=/portal



    • search.access.url=http://host.domain:port/mySearch/search


    • am.admin.dn=uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=siroe,dc=com


  2. Make a copy of PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/portals/shared/ file and edit the following properties in the file to set proper passwords.

    • amadminPassword=%AMADMIN_PASSWORD%

    • amldapuserPassword=%AMLDAPUSER_PASSWORD%

    • userManagementPassword=%USER_MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD% (optional; can be ignored if you are not setting up the comm channels)

  3. Remove the following files before running the sample content configuration ant script:

    • Directory:

      • /var/opt/sun/portal/tmp/par on Linux

      • /var/opt/SUNWportal/tmp/par on Solaris

    • Files:

      • community_sample.par

      • developer_sample.par

      • enterprise_sample.par

      • welcome_sample.par

  4. Change the order of targets in PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/portals/developer/build.xml file.

    For example, change:

    <target name="run" 
    			depends="config_am, config_portal, config_portlets, 
    			config_wsrp, par_create, par_import, 
    			config_authless, config_orgadmin, 
    			config_subscriptions, deploy"/>


    <target name="run" 
    			depends="config_am, config_portal, par_create, 
    			par_import, config_authless, config_orgadmin, 
    			config_subscriptions, config_portlets, 
    			deploy, config_wsrp_dp"/>
  5. Type:

    • /usr/sfw/bin/ant -buildfile PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/portals/welcome/build.xml to deploy the Welcome page content.

    • /usr/sfw/bin/ant -buildfile PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/portals/developer/build.xml to deploy the Developer Sample Portal content.

    • /usr/sfw/bin/ant -buildfile PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/portals/enterprise/build.xml to deploy the Enterprise Sample Portal content.