Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Configuration Guide

Modify Struts Application

To deploy any struts application as a portlet, the struts application is required to follow some of the following rules:

  1. The Struts application must abide by the restrictions applicable to any application running inside the Portal Server. For example, the request parameters in the struts application can not use keywords reserved by the portal server. The list of reserved words include "action", "provider", "targetprovider", "containerName", "last", "page", "error", "container", "selected", "editChannelName", "targetPortletChannel", and "currentChannelMode".

  2. All the forms and links must be created using struts tag library. Struts' tag library provide <html:form> and <html:link> for this purpose.

  3. JSP and HTML must not have HTML title, body, frame and base tags. This is as per the PLT.B section of portlet specification. JSP must not use forward and/or redirect.