Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Configuration Guide

Enabling Access to the Portal Server

ProcedureTo Enable Access to the Portal Server

  1. Modify the following tokens in the PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/export/request/enableSRAForPortal.xml file to suit your deployment.


    Gateway Profile you are modifying


    Fully qualified portal URL


    Domain in which the portal server resides


    Deploy URL for the portal web application

  2. Save the file after making the changes.

  3. Load the file into the directory server using the Sun Java System Access Manager's amadmin command as follows:

    AccessManager-base/bin/amadmin -u amadmin -w amadmin-pwd -t enableSRAForPortal.xml

  4. Log in to the Portal Server administration console and navigate to Secure Remote Access —> Profiles —> default —> Core —> Basic Options — Portal Servers and remove INST_PS_SERVER_LIST.

  5. Add http://PS-HOST:PS-PORT and restart the Gateway.