Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Configuration Guide

Chapter 6 Modifying Proxylet Rules

Proxylet rules specify the domain and proxy settings in the Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) file on the client machine. These rules help the browser to identify the domains that needs to be routed through Proxylet.

The default behavior of Proxylet is changed as follows:

When a user logs into the Portal desktop, the Proxylet channel contains a list of application URLs (much like the Netlet channel containing Netlet rules). When a user clicks on a link, Proxylet is launched if it is not already running. Once Proxylet is launched, the user is redirected to the application URL page. The Proxylet channel user interface contains controls to stop and start Proxylet. Clicking on the stop button on the user interface restores the proxy settings and stops the server. If a rule contains the string proxylet-host:proxylet-port as the proxy server, then the generated PAC file replaces the string with the host and port of Proxylet. You can make a rule so that all FTP traffic is routed through Netlet and all HTTP traffic is routed through Proxylet.

Modifying Proxylet Rules

ProcedureTo Modify the Proxylet Rules


    Enter the proxy-host and proxy-port, using the following syntax:


    The following list describes the variables you use:


    Is any domain such as or your portal domain. Multiple domains are separated by a comma.


    Specifies the proxy server used for this domain(s). To specify Proxylet as your proxy server, specify the string proxylethost.


    Specifies the proxy server port. To specify Proxylet as your proxy server, specify the string proxyletport.

    If a rule contains the string proxylethost:proxyletport as the proxy server, then the generated PAC file replaces the string with the host and port of Proxylet. You can make a rule so that all FTP traffic is routed through Netlet and all HTTP traffic is routed through Proxylet.

ProcedureTo configure Proxylet for the enterprise domain


    Provide the portal domain as a part of Proxylet rules. For example, specify your portal domain:proxylethost:proxyletport.

    The generated PAC will provide instructions to route the portal domain through Proxylet.

ProcedureTo configure Proxylet for specific applications


    Provide the specific application domain(s) as a part of Proxylet rule. For example, enterprise application domain:proxylethost:proxyletport.

    The generated PAC file uses dnsDomainIs Javascript function to compare the configured domain against the incoming domain. Administrators can also choose to provide their own PAC file through the Custom PAC file option instead of using Proxylet rules.