Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 8.1 SP4

ProcedureTo Unpack a .zip Compressed file of a J2EE Agent in Policy Agent 2.2

Follow the steps described in this task to unpack a compressed file that is named in the following manner:

The following fact applies to this compressed file: It is for Windows systems.

    Issue the following command:


    where appserver_version represents the specific deployment container, followed by an underscore “_”, followed by the version.

    For example, the command to unpack the archive of Policy Agent 2.2 for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 is as follows:


    For other J2EE agents, the file names are different, but the naming format is the same. To see the preceding command specific to your J2EE agent, see Example 3–4.

Purpose of This Task

The preceding step unpacks the archive and provides you with the agent deliverables for Policy Agent 2.2 for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1.