The tasks that follow apply to Windows systems.
This section describes how to generate a state file for installing a web agent on Windows systems. The description that follows provides an option of performing this task through the GUI and an option of performing this task through the command line.
Regardless of which type of installation you choose, GUI or command line, you need to initially issue one command for recording the information you will enter as you follow the agent installation steps. Enter all the necessary installation information in order to create a complete state file.
The following task describes how to generate a state file for a web agent installation on a Windows system.
Change to the directory in which you unpacked the agent binaries.
Issue the command that applies as follows:
To use the GUI installation, issue the following command:
java agent_WINNT_domino -saveState filename
To use the command-line installation, issue the following command:
java agent_WINNT_domino -nodisplay -saveState filename
An option that saves all of your responses to installation prompts in a state file.
Represents the name that you choose for the state file.
Enter the installation information as described in GUI Installation of Agent for IBM Lotus Domino 6.5.4 on Windows Systems
Your answers to the prompts are recorded in the state file. When the installation is complete, the state file is created in the same directory where the installation program is located.
When generated, a state file will have read permissions for all users. However, because the state file contains clear text passwords, change the file permissions to restrict read and write access to the user root.
This section describes how to use a state file for installing a web agent on Windows systems.
To perform a silent installation of a web agent using a state file, perform the following:
Change to the directory in which you unpacked the agent binaries.
At this point, this directory should contain the web agent installation state file.
Issue the following command:
java agent_WINNT_domino -nodisplay -noconsole -state filename
An option that directs the installer to run in non-interactive mode as it obtains all responses to prompts from the named state file.
Represents the name of the state file from which the installer obtains all responses.
The installation takes place hidden from view. After completion, the program exits automatically and displays the prompt.
Even though the silent installation does not validate the keys in the state file, avoid editing the values of the keys in the state file because the setupSDK script might report a corrupt state file when used during subsequent silent installations.