Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Windows 2000 Plug-In 3.0

Extended Control Services

Extended control services are procedures that perform a software operation related to a resource or component. These services include services for starting and stop the Microsoft IIS Web Server and for starting and stopping specific Microsoft Windows services. The provisioning software includes two sets of extended control services that are not specific to individual resource types:

General purpose control services include the ability to start or stop Microsoft Windows services. These control services can be called by any component or plan.

An example of a resource-type-specific control service is the startRouter procedure included with the COM+ Application resource type. This procedure starts COM+ routing services. It works only with resources that are of the COM+ Application resource type.

Extended Control Services for IIS

The following table lists the procedures for controlling IIS.

Table 4–10 Built-in Procedures for Controlling IIS






Shuts down the IIS process 



Restarts IIS if it is not running 

Extended Control Services for Microsoft Windows Services

A component or plan may include steps to start or stop specific Microsoft Windows Services.

The following table describes procedures for controlling Microsoft Windows Services.

Table 4–11 Built-in Procedures for Controlling Microsoft Windows Services





serviceName – Name of the service to stop.

Shuts down the service 


serviceName – Name of the service to start.

Starts the Microsoft Windows service