Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Sun Java System Web Server Plug-In 3.0

Installing the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5

When you use the provisioning system to install the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5, the provisioning system installs an Administration Server and the first Web Server instance. To install the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5 using the provisioning system, use the following steps:

  1. Create the JES_ADMIN_PASSWORD and WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD session variables.

    See Creating Session Variables.

  2. Install the Administration Server and the first Web Server instance.

    See How to Install an Administration Server and the First Web Server Instance.

Creating Session Variables

The installation of the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5 requires that you create passwords to use to install the Sun Java System Web Server and to access the Administration Server. The provisioning system stores secure data, such as passwords, as session variables. When you save a password as a session variable, the password is stored in a way that prevents other users from accessing the password information. However, the password information is available for use by the provisioning system when you are logged in to that session.

You must create a Common Server Settings password for the Sun Java Enterprise System installation program. Create a session variable called JES_ADMIN_PASSWORD. The Sun Java Enterprise System installation program uses the password to install the Sun Java System Web Server components. For more information about this password, see information about CMN_ADMIN_PASSWORD in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX.

You must create a password that you want to use to access the Administration Server. Create a session variable called WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD. The value that you give this session variable is the password that you want to use to access the Administration Server. When the provisioning system is installing the Administration Server, it sets the access password for the server to the value of this variable.

The passwords created with JES_ADMIN_PASSWORD and WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD variables must be a minimum of eight characters.

ProcedureHow to Create Session Variables

  1. From any page in the N1 Service Provisioning System, click Session Variables.

    The Session Variables link can be found in the top right corner of the page.

  2. In the Session Variable column, in the blank field, type JES_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

  3. In the Password column, click the checkbox.

  4. In the Value column, in the blank field, type the password you want to use to install the Sun Java System Web Server components. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters.

  5. Click the Create link.

  6. In the N1 Grid SPS password field, type the password you use to access the N1 Service Provisioning System.

  7. Click the Save button.

    The provisioning system creates the session variable and returns you to the session variable list.

  8. In the Session Variable column, in the blank field, type WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

  9. In the Password column, click the checkbox.

  10. In the blank field of the Value column, type the password you want to use to access the Administration Server. The password must be a minimum of eight characters.

  11. Click the Create link.

  12. In the N1 Grid SPS password field, type the password you use to access the N1 Service Provisioning System.

  13. Click the Save button.

ProcedureHow to Install an Administration Server and the First Web Server Instance

Before You Begin

Before you can deploy the Administration Server and a Web Server instance, you must have the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5 installation files saved on the target server. For more information, see Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX.

Be sure to create the JES_ADMIN_PASSWORD and WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD session variables. For more information, see How to Create Session Variables.

  1. Click the Sun Java System WS 6 icon under the Common Tasks section of the left control panel.

  2. Click the Install Web Admin Server: install link.

  3. Click the Run button.

  4. In the Plan Parameters table, in the Variable Settings column for the WebAdminServer component, click Select From List.

    The Select a Variable Setting window opens.

  5. From the list of Variable Settings, change the following variables as described in the following steps.

    1. Set the installPath variable to the path on the target server where you want to install the state file that contains the name/value pairs needed to install the Administration Server.

      Note –

      The value for the installPath variable is treated as a relative path to the default Remote Agent directory, unless you specify an absolute path, such as /opt or c:\mydir. For example, for a Windows Remote Agent, if you set the installPath variable to c\mydir and deploy the file to an Agent with a default home directory of c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent, the file is deployed to c:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\agent\c\mydir.

    2. Set the JES_Media_Directory variable to the path to the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5 installation binary on the target server.

    3. (Optional) Set the hostDomain variable to the actual domain name of the target server.

    4. If you are installing the Administration Server on a Linux server, change the following variables:

      • Set the jesSystemGroup variable to root.

      • Set the webInstanceUser variable to nobody.

      • Set the webInstanceGroup variable to nobody.

    5. Click the Select button.

    For information about other Variable Settings, see WebAdminServer Component.

  6. Select the target hosts.

  7. Click the Run Plan (includes preflight) button.

    The InstallWebAdminServer plan completes the following tasks:

    • Installs the Administration Server and one Web Server instance.

    • If you set the webAutoStart variable to yes, starts the Administration Server and the Web Server instance.

    • If you set the webAutoStart variable to yes, verifies that the Administration Server and the Web Server instance are running.