Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Solaris Plug-In 4.0

Solaris Packages

com.sun.solaris#Package component type

Component type to deploy a Solaris package.

com.sun.solaris#StreamPackage component type

Component type to deploy a Solaris datastream package.

com.sun.solaris#ResponseFile component type

Component type to create a component that deploys a file that includes the responses that are necessary to install a package without user interaction.

com.sun.solaris#PackageWithResp container

Container to deploy a com.sun.solaris#Package component with its corresponding com.sun.solaris#ResponseFile component.

com.sun.solaris#StreamPackageWithResp container

Container to deploy a com.sun.solaris#StreamPackage component with its corresponding com.sun.solaris#ResponseFile component.