Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Solaris Plug-In 4.0

Chapter 4 Using the Solaris Plug-In to Deploy Patches

This chapter explains how to use the Solaris Plug-In within the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System to deploy a patch. The chapter contains the following information:

Introduction to Solaris Patches

A Solaris patch is a collection of files and directories that replaces or updates existing files and directories that are preventing proper execution of the Solaris OS or other software. The Solaris Plug-In enables you to use the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System to install a Solaris patch on multiple servers. For more information about Solaris patches and how to acquire them, see Chapter 20, Managing Solaris Patches and Updates (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

Deploying Solaris Patches

The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System uses the patchadd(1M) command to install patches and the patchrm(1M) command to uninstall patches.

There are two methods by which you can install a patch:

Solaris Patch Component Type

To deploy Solaris patches using the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System, create components of type com.sun.solaris#Patch. For more information about creating components, see Chapter 4, Plans, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Plan and Component Developer’s Guide.

ProcedureHow to Deploy a Solaris Patch from the Solaris Patch Component Type

Before You Begin

Obtain the patch that you want to deploy.

Caution – Caution –

The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System does not check for patch dependencies. Be sure to install patches in the proper sequence to account for patch dependencies.

  1. In the left control panel, under Common Tasks, click the Solaris link.

    The Common Tasks for the Solaris Plug-In appear in the right panel of the browser interface.

  2. Click the Solaris Patch Component Type: Create Patch Component link.

  3. Define the component.

  4. In the left control panel, under Application Deployment, click Components.

    A list of components appears.

  5. Click the component that you just created.

  6. (Optional) Click the Edit button to change any of the component variables.

    For details about the component variables, see Component Variables.

  7. Choose the Component Procedure that you want to run and click the Run link.

    For details about the component procedures, see Component Procedures.

  8. Complete the plan run page to run the procedure.

Component Variables


The name to use for the patch when it is installed. The default value is the name of the patch component.


The path on the target host where the patch will be downloaded.


The path on the target host where the patch will be installed.


This variable enables you to supply the -u option to patchadd(1M) when the patch is added to the target host. The -u option turns off file validation.patchadd applies the patch even if some of the files to be patched have been modified since their original installation. Valid values are true and false.


This value is the ID of the patch.

Note –

Changing the value of this variable might cause the patch deployment to fail.

Component Procedures

default: install

Use this procedure to install a patch on a target system or systems.

markOnly: install

If you manually installed a patch on a target system or systems but want the provisioning system database to be aware that the patch is installed on those systems, use this procedure.

default: uninstall

Use this procedure to uninstall a patch from a target system or systems.

markOnly: uninstall

If you manually uninstalled a patch from a target system or systems but want the provisioning system database to be aware that the patch has been uninstalled from those systems, use this procedure.

Solaris Patch Component

Caution – Caution –

The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System does not check for patch dependencies. Be sure to install patches in the proper sequence.

ProcedureHow To Install Solaris Patches From the Solaris Patch Component

  1. In the left control panel, under Common Tasks, click the Solaris link.

    The Common Tasks for the Solaris Plug-In appear in the right panel of the browser interface.

  2. Click the Solaris Patch Component: Install link.

  3. Click Select From List in the Plan Parameters table.

  4. In the Variable Setting window, click Create Set.

  5. Type the new Set Name.

  6. Select the installPath check box and type a unique value.

    The InstallPath value must be unique. If you do not change the installPath component variable for each installation, only the most recently installed component is available for uninstallation.

  7. Select the rootDirectory check box and type the root directory for deployment.

  8. Select the validateFiles check box and type true to set validation of installed files.

    This refers to the -u option of the patchadd command.

  9. Select the patchIDs check box and type enter space–separated patch IDs.

  10. Select the patchLocation and type the absolute path to where the patch IDs are located.

  11. Click Save and Select.

  12. Click Select From List for the Target Host.

  13. Click the Add Hosts to Main Window button.

  14. (Optional) Select the markOnly installation check box.

  15. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).

ProcedureHow To Uninstall Solaris Patches From the Solaris Patch Component

  1. In the left control panel, under Common Tasks, click the Solaris link.

    The Common Tasks for the Solaris Plug-In appear in the right panel of the browser interface.

  2. Click the Solaris Patch Component: Uninstall link.

  3. Select a host install path.

  4. Click Run Selected Installation.

  5. Select plan variables.

    • Force the patch remove (-f option of patchrm)

    • markonly uninstall

  6. Click Run Plan (Includes Preflight).