Configuring Brightmail with Sun Java System Messaging Server

ProcedureTo Verify the Symantec Brightmail Installation

  1. Make sure that the Symantec Brightmail server starts without any errors by examining /var/log/syslog output.

    You should see output similar to the following for a functioning server:

    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting bmagent.
    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting harvester.
    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting conduit.
    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting bmserver.
  2. Check logs in the /var/log/brightmail directory for errors. Also, check the Symantec Brightmail client log file (configured in the bmiconfig_client.xml).

  3. Make sure that the Symantec Brightmail server has started successfully by examining the bmserver process.

    For example:

    # ps -eaf | grep sbas
    mailwall 16808 16806  0 17:49:12 ?  0:01 /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/bin/bmserver -c
    mailwall 16806     1  0 17:49:12 ?  0:00 /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/sbin/runner
    mailwall 16807 16806  0 17:49:12 ?  0:00 /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/sbin/bmagent -c