Configuring Brightmail with Sun Java System Messaging Server

ProcedureTo Verify Messaging Server MTA

Use one of the following steps to verify that the Messaging Server MTA is functioning properly.

  1. Run the imsimta test -rewrite command on a sample local user address. There should be no errors. For example:

    # /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/imsimta test -rewrite -debug=level=4 -filter
    12:32:29.33: - passed.
    12:32:29.33: - send_access mapping check:
    12:32:29.33: Mapping 4 applied to
    12:32:29.33: Final result
    12:32:29.33: - passed.
    12:32:29.33: - adding address user99@ims-ms-daemon to channel ims-ms
    12:32:29.33: Closing URL context 1, new type = 7
    12:32:29.33: - adding address to headers.
    12:32:29.33: Copy estimate after address addition is 2
    Expanded address:
    Submitted address list:
      user99@ims-ms-daemon (orig, inter, host ims-ms-daemon)
    Submitted notifications list:
  2. Compose and send an email. Look at the Symantec Brightmail server logs under the /var/log/brightmail directory and verify that the bmserver_logs file contains information about this message.

    Note –

    You can also log in to the Control Center and check for statistics.

  3. If you set SPAMFILTER1_OPTIONAL=-2 in the option.dat file, as previously explained, then you can check for warning syslog messages to verify the MTA/Symantec Brightmail operation.

  4. If you set LOG_FILTER=1 in the option.dat file, you can check that “expected” results are showing up in the filter field in mail.log* records. See Adding More Information to Message Transaction Records for more information.