Configuring Sun Java System Messaging Server MTA

ProcedureTo Add a New Attribute to the LDAP Directory

    One way to add the mailGrantSendPermissionsTo attribute is by creating a file called 99grant.ldif, with the following content, and placing it in the “schema” directory of the directory server:

    dn: cn=schema
    attributeTypes: ( mailGrantSendPermissionsTo-oid NAME ( ’mailGrant
     SendPermissionsTo’ ) DESC ’Attribute for granting send permissio
     ns’ SYNTAX X-ORIGIN ’grant permissions’ )
    objectClasses: ( mailGrantPermission-oid NAME ’mailGrantPermissi
     on’ DESC ’An objectclass for storing send permissions’ SUP inetLoc
     alMailRecipient MAY ( mailGrantSendPermissionsTo ) X-ORIGIN ’gra
     nt permissions’ )

    The default Java Enterprise System location for the “schema” directory is /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-instance/config/schema.