Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide for Sun Java System App Server Plug-In 3.0

Installing and Using the Sun Java System App Server Environment with the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System

Use the Sun Java System App Server Common Tasks page as a starting point to create and manage Application Server instances and clusters.

Plug-In Conventions

The provisioning system allows you to provision and manage applications.

Plans and Component Procedures

The Sun Java System App Server plug-in provides both plans and component procedures as tools for you to perform tasks. By using plans, you link directly to the functionality you desire. Using component procedures, you have a greater number of tasks that you can perform.

Global Prerequisites

This section describes the requirements for using the Sun Java System App Server Plug-In.

The owner of the web server instance should be the same user that installs Sun Java System App Server. Otherwise, the load balancer files will not be installed or created properly.

Note –

To configure topologies involving clusters spanning multiple machines, ensure that the user who owns the distributions (Master Server and Remote Agents) and the user who runs the Master Server and Remote Agents are the same.

Process Overview

Creating a Sun Java System App Server environment within the provisioning system is similar to the process of creating the environment without the provisioning system.

  1. Import the Application Server plug-in.

  2. Set the Application Server session variables.

  3. Prepare all hosts.

  4. Create an Application Server Domain Administration Server.

  5. (Optional) Create an Application Server cluster.

  6. Create server instances as a part of the cluster or domain.

  7. (Optional) Create additional resources used by the applications.

  8. (Optional) Configure the JMS server.

  9. Capture application files (EARs and WARs).

  10. Deploy applications to target instances or clusters.