Sun Gathering Debug Data for Sun Java System Portal Server

ProcedureTo Collect Debug Data on Portal Server Installation Problems

Follow these steps if you are unable to complete the installation or if you get a “failed” installation status for Portal Server.

  1. Consult the following troubleshooting information:

    If the problem persists after using this troubleshooting information, then continue with this procedure to collect the necessary data for the Sun Support Center.

  2. Collect the general system information as explained in To Collect Required Debug Data for Any Portal Server Problem.

  3. Specify if this is a first-time installation or a Hot Fix installation on a pre-existing Sun ONE Portal Server instance.

  4. Get the installation logs.

    • On Solaris OS systems and Sun ONE Portal Server (Portal Server 6.0 and 6.1) systems, get the following logs:


    • On Windows systems, if you chose the Config Later option during the installation, provide the following log files:


  5. Get the install error messages.

    Solaris OS

    /var/sadm/install/logsThe log file names start with Java_Enterprise_System*_install.Bdatetime, where date and time correspond to the failing installing (for example, B12161532).

    Linux and HP-UX

    /var/opt/sun/install/logsThe log file names start with Java_Enterprise_System*_install.Bdatetime, where date and time correspond to the failing installing (for example, B12161532).


    C:\DocumentsandSettings\current-user\LocalSettings\TempThe log file names start with MSI*.log (usually a text file). The asterisk (*) represents a random number in the Temp directory for each MSI based setup.