Technical Note: Installing Access Manager to Run as a Non-Root User

Technical Note: Installing Access Manager to Run as a Non-root User


This document describes how to install and configure Sun JavaTM System Access Manager to run as a non-root user with either Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 or Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition (EE) 8.1 as the web container. The supported versions of these components include:

This document is intended for system administrators and software technicians who are deploying Access Manager and other Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) components. You should be familiar with the administrative commands for your deployment platform (SolarisTM system or Linux system ) and the following tasks.


Where to Find More Information 

Understanding Access Manager technical concepts 

Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Technical Overview

Running the Java ES installer to install Java ES components, including: 

  • Sun Java System Access Manager

  • Sun Java System Directory Server

  • Sun Java System Message Queue

  • Access Manager web container:

    • Sun Java System Web Server

    • Sun Java System Application Server

Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX

Applying any required patches for Access Manager and other Java ES components. 

Check for required patches in the Java ES 2005Q4 Release Notes Collection:

For some components, you might need to check with your Sun Microsystems technical representative. 

You can download patches from SunSolve Online:

Running the Access Manager amconfig script to deploy and configure Access Manager instances.

Chapter 1, Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Configuration Scripts, in Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Administering Java ES components, including starting and stopping Directory Server and the web container (Web Server or Application Server) 

Java ES collection:

Java ES component documentation: 

Installing Access Manager With Web Server to Run as a Non-root User

To install and configure Access Manager with Web Server 6.1 as the web container, follow these steps.

  1. As superuser (root), create a non-root user and group, if they do not already exist. Examples in this document use amuser and amgroup as the non-root user and group. For example, on Solaris 10 systems:

    # groupadd amgroup
    # mkdir /export/home
    # useradd -d /export/home/amuser -m -g amgroup amuser
  2. As superuser (root), install Directory Server and Administration Server by running the Java ES installer. Specific values that you must set are:

    • On the Common Server Settings page, enter the non-root user (amuser) for System User and non-root group (amgroup) for System Group.

    • Select port numbers for Directory Server and Administration Server that are greater than 1024. Do not use port number 389 or 390.

  3. As the non-root user, start Administration Server and Directory Server. For example:


    All processes should be owned by the non-root user (amuser in amgroup). For example:

    amuser 2474 1 0 01:32:08 ? 0:00 ./uxwdog -e -d /javaes/ds/admin-serv/config
    amuser 2485 1 0 01:32:16 ? 0:01 ./ns-slapd -D /javaes/ds/slapd-host 
      -i /javaes/ds/slapd-host/lo
    amuser 2475 2474 0 01:32:08 ? 0:00 ns-httpd -d /javaes/ds/admin-serv/config
    amuser 2477 2475 0 01:32:08 ? 0:01 ns-httpd -d /javaes/ds/admin-serv/config
  4. As superuser (root), install Web Server 6.1 by running the Java ES installer. Specific values that you must set are:

    • On the Common Server Settings page, enter the non-root user for System User and non-root group for System Group.

    • On the Web Server: Administration (1 of 2) page, change the Administration Runtime User ID to the non-root user.

    • On the Web Server: Default Web Server Instance (2 of 2) page, change the Runtime User ID to the non-root user and the Runtime Group to the non-root group. Specify a value for HTTP Port that is greater than 1024.

  5. As the non-root user, start the Web Server administration instance and Web Server instance. All processes should be owned by the non-root user (amuser in amgroup). For example:

    amuser 4200 1 0 02:00:44 ? 0:00 ./webservd-wdog -r  
      /javaes/ws -d /javaes/ws/https-admserv/config -n https 
    amuser 2474 1 0 01:32:08 ? 0:00 ./uxwdog -e -d 
    amuser 4202 4201 1 02:00:44 ? 0:02 webservd -r 
      /javaes/ws -d /javaes/ws/https-admserv/config -n https-admser 
    amuser 4220 4219 1 02:00:54 ? 0:03 webservd -r 
      /javaes/ws -d /javaes/ws/
    amuser 4219 4218 0 02:00:54 ? 0:00 webservd -r 
      /javaes/ws -d /javaes/ws/
    amuser 4201 4200 0 02:00:44 ? 0:00 webservd -r 
      /javaes/ws -d /javaes/ws/https-admserv/config -n https-admser
  6. As superuser (root), install Access Manager by running the Java ES installer. On the Configuration Type page, select the Configure Later option.

  7. Depending on your platform, change the ownership of the following directories from root and other to the non-root user and non-root group:

    • Solaris systems: /opt/SUNWma and /etc/opt/SUNWma

    • Linux systems: /opt/sun/mobileaccess and /etc/opt/sun/mobileaccess

    For example, on Solaris systems:

    # chown -R amuser:amgroup /opt/SUNWma /etc/opt/SUNWma
  8. As superuser (root), change to the Access Manager /bin directory, depending on your platform. For example:

    • Solaris systems: cd /opt/SUNWam/bin

    • Linux systems: cd /opt/sun/identity/bin

  9. As superuser (root), make a copy of the amsamplesilent file. For example:

    # cp -p amsamplesilent am.non_root_install
  10. As superuser (root), edit the am.non_root_install file as follows:

    • Set BASEDIR to the same value that you selected for the Access Manager installation directory when you ran the Java ES installer.

    • Set NEW_OWNER to the non-root user and NEW_GROUP to the non-root group.

    • Update the following variables: SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT, DS_HOST, DS_PORT, ROOT_SUFFIX, COOKIE_DOMAIN, WS61_ADMINPORT and all related password fields, including DS_DIRMGRPASSWD, ADMINPASSWD, and AMLDAPUSERPASSWD.

  11. As superuser (root), run the amconfig script with the edited am.non_root_install file to deploy Access Manager. For example:

    # ./amconfig -s ./am.non_root_install
  12. As the non-root user, stop the Web Server Administration Server instance and Web Server instance.

  13. As superuser (root), change the ownership of the Web Server installation directory to the non-root user and group. For example:

    # chown -R amuser:amgroup /opt/SUNWwbsvr
  14. As the non-root user, start the Web Server Administration Server instance and the Web Server instance.

  15. Access the Web Server Administration Console in a browser and login as the Web Server administrator.

  16. Select the instance on which you deployed Access Manager and click Manage.

  17. Click Apply and then Apply Changes.

Installing Access Manager With Application Server to Run as a Non-root User

To install and configure Access Manager with Application Server 8.1 as the web container, follow these steps.

  1. As superuser (root), create a non-root user and group, if they do not already exist. Examples in this document use amuser and amgroup as the non-root user and group. For example, on Solaris 10 systems:

    # groupadd amgroup
    # mkdir /export/home
    # useradd -d /export/home/amuser -m -g amgroup amuser
  2. As superuser (root), install Directory Server and Administration Server by running the Java ES installer. Specific values that you must set are:

    • On the Common Server Settings page, enter the non-root user (amuser) for System User and non-root group (amgroup) for System Group.

    • Select port numbers for Directory Server and Administration Server that are greater than 1024. Do not use port number 389 or 390.

  3. As the non-root user, start Directory Server and Administration Server. For example:


    All processes should be owned by the non-root user (amuser in amgroup). For example:

    amuser 2474 1 0 01:32:08 ? 0:00 ./uxwdog -e -d 
    amuser 2485 1 0 01:32:16 ? 0:01 ./ns-slapd -D /javaes/ds/slapd-host -i 
    amuser 2475 2474 0 01:32:08 ? 0:00 ns-httpd -d 
    amuser 2477 2475 0 01:32:08 ? 0:01 ns-httpd -d 
  4. As superuser (root), install Application Server 8.1 and Message Queue by running the Java ES installer. Specific values that you must set are:

    • On the Installation Directories page, for the Application Server and Application Server Data and Configuration directories, enter values that are beneath the non-root user's home directory. For example, if the non-root user's home directory is /export/home/amuser, the Application Server installation directory could be /export/home/amuser/as.

    • On the Common Server Settings page, enter the non-root user for System User and non-root group for System Group.

    • On the Application Server Domain Administration Server (1 of 1) page, select port numbers that are greater than 1024 for the Application Server Administration Port, JMX Port, HTTP Port, and HTTPS Port.

  5. As superuser (root), delete the Application Server domain created by the Java ES installer in the following location, depending on your platform:

    • Solaris systems: /export/home/amuser/as/appserver/bin

    • Linux systems: /export/home/amuser/as/bin

    For example, to delete the Application Server domain:

    #./asadmin delete-domain --domaindir /asdomains domain1
  6. As superuser (root), change the ownership of the Application Server installation directory and the Application Server data and configuration directory to the non-root user and group. For example:

    # chown -R amuser:amgroup /export/home/amuser/as /export/home/amuser/as_var/
  7. As superuser (root), create an administration password file as follows:

    # echo "AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=application-server-admin-password" > /tmp/asAdminPassFile
  8. Recreate the Application Server domain as the non-root user:

    1. Change to the non-root user. For example:

      # su - amuser
    2. Change to the /bin directory. For example, on Solaris systems:

      cd /export/home/amuser/as/appserver/bin

      Or, on Linux systems:

      cd /export/home/amuser/as/bin
    3. Invoke the asadmin create-domain command to recreate the deleted domain. You will be prompted to enter and confirm the domain's administration password and the master password. For example:

      ./asadmin create-domain --domaindir /export/home/amuser/as_var/domains 
      --adminport 4849 --adminuser admin --passwordfile /tmp/asAdminPassFile 
      --instanceport 8080 --domainproperties domain.jmxPort=8686:http.ssl.port=8181 
      --savemasterpassword=true domain1
      Please enter adminpassword> adminpassword
      Please enter adminpassword again> adminpassword
      Please enter the master password> masterpassword
      Please enter the master password again> masterpassword
      Using default port 7,676 for JMS.
      Using default port 3,700 for IIOP.
      Using default port 3,820 for IIOP_SSL.
      Using default port 3,920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
      Domain domain1 created.
  9. As superuser (root), remove the Application Server administration password file. For example:

    # rm -rf /tmp/asAdminPassFile
  10. As the non-root user, use the asadmin start-domain command to start the Application Server domain that you just created. You will be prompted for the administration password. For example:

    ./asadmin start-domain --user admin domain1

    The Application Server and Message Queue processes should be owned by the non-root user (amuser in amgroup). For example:

    amuser 15009 15007 0 12:26:20 pts/4 0:00 /bin/sh 
      /usr/bin/imqbrokerd -javahome /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se -varhome /export/home 
    amuser 15007 582 0 12:26:09 pts/4 2:20 
      /export/home/amuser/as/appserver/lib/appservDAS domain1
    amuser 15017 15009 0 12:26:20 pts/4 0:05 /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin/java 
      -server -cp /usr/bin/../../usr/share/lib/imq/imqb
  11. Verify that the Application Server administration instance is accessible by entering the following URL in a browser:


    Where fqdn and as-admin-port are the fully qualified domain name and port.

  12. Verify that the Application Server HTTP port is accessible by entering the following URL in a browser:


    Where fqdn is the fully qualified domain name.

  13. Install Access Manager by running the Java ES installer. For the Configuration Type, select the Configure Later option.

  14. As superuser (root), change the ownership of the following directories from root and other to the non-root user and non-root group, depending on your platform:

    • Solaris systems: /opt/SUNWma and /etc/opt/SUNWma

    • Linux systems: /opt/sun/mobileaccess and /etc/opt/sun/mobileaccess

    For example:

    # chown -R amuser:amgroup /opt/SUNWma /etc/opt/SUNWma
  15. As superuser (root), change to the Access Manager /bin directory, depending on your platform:

    • Solaris systems: cd /opt/SUNWam/bin

    • Linux systems: cd /opt/sun/identity/bin

  16. As superuser (root), make a copy of the amsamplesilent file. For example:

    # cp -p amsamplesilent am.non_root_install
  17. As superuser (root), edit the am.non_root_install file as follows:

    • Set BASEDIR to the same value that you selected for the installation directory of Access Manager in the Java ES installer.

    • Set NEW_OWNER to the non-root user and NEW_GROUP to the non-root group.


    Important: Set the AS81_HOME variable to the parent directory of the Application Server /bin directory.

    See Example 1for a sample edited amsamplesilent file.

  18. As superuser (root), run the amconfig script with the edited am.non_root_install file to deploy Access Manager. For example:

    # ./amconfig -s ./am.non_root_install

    If you encounter the question “Do you trust the above certificate [y|n]” during the deployment of the Access Manager Web applications, specify “y” and press Enter.

  19. As the non-root user, stop the Application Server domain and then restart it. First change to the/bin directory. For example, on Solaris systems:

    cd /export/home/amuser/as/appserver/bin 

    Or, on Linux systems:

    cd /export/home/amuser/as/bin

    Then, stop and restart the Application Server domain. For example:

    ./asadmin stop-domain domain1 
    ./asadmin start-domain --user admin domain1

    The asadmin start-domain command will prompt you for the Application Server administration password.

  20. Use a browser with the following URL to verify that the Access Manager Administrator Console is accessible.


    Where fqdn is the fully qualified domain name.

Example 1 Sample amsamplesilent File With Application Server as the Web Container

The following example shows a sample edited amsamplesilent file. For a description of these variables, see Chapter 1, Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Configuration Scripts, in Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

DS_DIRMGRDN="cn=Directory Manager" 
# ADMINPASSWD, the amadmin password, and AMLDAPUSERPASSWD, 
# the amldapuser password, must be set to different values 
# Non-root user and group
# true if container is SSL enabled, installer will use SSL_PASSWORD 
# to start server without user intervention 

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Revision History

Release Date 

Description of Changes 

February 2006 

Initial release.