Deployment Example: Sun Java System Communications Services for Access Anywhere (EdgeMail)

3.2 Jump-Starting the Servers

Use the following procedures to prepare for jump-starting the servers and configuring them afterwards. Jump-starting a server reinstalls the operating system and file system on a server, obliterating any old files. Before you begin, create a list of all servers with their MAC address, IP address and hostname for each one. Group the servers in the following categories:

Then initialize the management station as follows:

For each server, you must perform the following preparation according to the server category, and you must jump-start the server before configuring the next one. The configuration of the server afterwards may be performed immediately after jump-starting or after all servers have been jump-started.

ProcedureTo Prepare and Jump-Start a Server

  1. Log into the puppet web interface at https://puppetServer.domain:6364/config.

  2. Select the Advanced Client link. On the Advanced Client page, enter the hostname of the server to jump-start, and press Enter. The server's MAC address should automatically be entered in the Ethernet Address field. Fill in the other fields as follows:

    • Machine Type: sun4u

    • Boot Image: sparc-sunos5.9_u7

    • Model Configuration: for a BE server, select PSC_META, for all others select FE_PSC_META

    Click Add when all fields are complete.

  3. Click on Update Screen, and then on Verify Configuration. In the next screen, click on Commit Changes, and then on Go Back.

  4. Under Base Jumpstart Profile, select the profile corresponding to the type of server:

    • For a BE server, select req_BE+_rootdisk

    • For a FE server, select req_FE+_rootdisk

    • For a FEMTA server, select req_FEMTA+_rootdisk

    • For the administration station, select all_AW+_rootdisk

    • For the backup server, select req_BACKUP+_rootdisk

  5. Make sure the sysidbase value is set to DEFAULT.

  6. Click on Verify Configuration, then on Commit Changes. Now click Go Back and Fetch Current Configuration.

  7. Review the profile and if everything is correct, click on Verify Configuration. The next screen will reconfirm the information, with different models for different server types:

    Hostname serverName
    Ethernet Address 0:3:cd:aa:d7:21
    Boot Method bootp
    Puppet Platform sparc-sunos5.9
    Install Image sparc-sunos5.9_u7
    Picked Models PSC_META
    Expanded Models server server:std-server200501 std-server200501:psc-JES-
    model200501 std-server200501:psc-cluster-model200501 std-server200501:psc-
    model200501 std-server200501:psc-vts200501 std-server200501:san44-model200501
    SunOS: Profile req_BE+_rootdisk
    SunOS: sysidcfg(s)
    base:  DEFAULT
  8. Click Commit Changes one last time and verify that there are no errors in the configuration. The next screen summarized the actions of the configurator:

    Puppet: Begin Installation Configuration
        * Puppet: Client configuration written
        * SunOS: profile written.
        * SunOS: sysidcfg written.
        * SunOS: bootenv.rc written.
        * SunOS: rules written.
        * SunOS: SI_CONFIG_DIR/rules re-built.
        * SunOS: passed quickcheck.
        * Puppet: OS Driver passed
    Puppet: End Installation Configuration
  9. Connect to the console port of the server to be jump-started and enter the following command:

    ok> boot net - install
  10. After the server has rebooted, follow the configuration procedure for the type of server:

ProcedureTo Configure a BE Server After Jump-Start

  1. Edit the prompt in the /.profile for root:

    PS1="`tput bold``/usr/ucb/whoami`@`uname -n`:#`tput sgr0` "
  2. Restore the contents of /var/bits with the following commands:

    # cd /var
    # gzcat bits/bits.tar.gz | tar xf -
  3. Change ownership of home directories with the following commands:

    # cd /home
    # for I in `ls`
    > do
    > chown $I $I
    > done
    # cd /
  4. Once the system is on the corporate network, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/user_attr to put root back as a role.

  5. Add the cluster to the path:


    Also, add the cluster to the path in the /.cshrc file for root:

    set path=( /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/ccs/bin /usr/cluster/bin $path )
  6. Create additional metadbs with the following command:

    metadb -a -c 3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7
  7. Create mirrors of /globaldevices and /var/crash. This requires several commands, some of which depend on which node of the cluster the server belongs to.

    1. Unmount the file systems with the following commands:

      • On all servers regardless of cluster node:

        umount /globaldevices
        umount /var/crash
        newfs -v -i 1024 /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
        metainit -f d106 1 1 c1t2d0s0
        metainit -f d206 1 1 c1t3d0s0
        metainit -f d6 -m d106
      • On servers in cluster node 1:

        metainit -f d103 1 1 c1t0d0s3
        metainit -f d203 1 1 c1t1d0s3
        metainit -f d3 -m d103
      • On servers in cluster node 2:

        metainit -f d113 1 1 c1t0d0s3
        metainit -f d213 1 1 c1t1d0s3
        metainit -f d13 -m d113
    2. Then edit the /etc/vfstab file:

      • On all servers regardless of cluster node, comment out the entries for /globaldevices and /var/crash. Then add the following line:

        /dev/md/dsk/d6 /dev/md/rdsk/d6 /var/crash ufs 2 yes logging
      • On servers in cluster node 1, add the following line:

        /dev/md/dsk/d3 /dev/md/rdsk/d3 /globaldevices ufs 2
      • On servers in cluster node 2, add the following line:

        /dev/md/dsk/d13 /dev/md/rdsk/d13 /globaldevices ufs 2 yes logging
    3. Attach the submirrors with the following commands:

      • On all servers regardless of cluster node:

        mount /globaldevices
        mount /var/crash
        metattach d0 d200
        metattach d6 d206
      • On servers in cluster node 1:

        metattach d3 d203
      • On servers in cluster node 2:

        metattach d13 d213

Example 3–1 File System Layout of BE Servers

The BE servers are V440 machines with 2 available disks of 73 GB each.

Partition Name 





10 GB 


Root file system 


30 GB 


AllJava ESinstalled component binaries (LDAP, messaging, portal, calendar, identity). 


30 GB 


Log file system 


4 GB 

Disk 3 

Memory tmp file system 

Dump Device


Disk 4 

Core dump filesystem 


20 GB 


Mount point 


20 GB 


Mount point 


5 GB 


Mount point (soft partition) 


15 GB 


Mount point (soft partition) 





/shared/bedgeN/partition/ store###

180 or 230 GB 


Mount point 


5 GB 


Mount point 






15 GB 


Mount point 

ProcedureTo Configure a FE or Backup Server After Jump-Start

  1. Edit the prompt in the /.profile for root:

    PS1="`tput bold``/usr/ucb/whoami`@`uname -n`:#`tput sgr0` "
  2. Restore the contents of /var/bits with the following commands:

    # cd /var
    # gzcat bits/bits.tar.gz | tar xf -
  3. Change ownership of home directories with the following commands:

    # cd /home
    # for I in `ls`
    > do
    > chown $I $I
    > done
    # cd /
  4. Once the system is on the corporate network, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/user_attr to put root back as a role.

  5. Create an additional metadb with the following command:

    metadb -a -c 3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7
  6. Attach the roots mirror:

    metattach d0 d200
  7. Set up NTP using appropriate NTP server for FE/Domain1 nodes.

  8. Set up DNS using appropriate DNS servers for FE/Domain1 nodes.

  9. Do a preliminary sendmail configuration using MODE="" and stopping then restarting sendmail. You will need to re-verify this once the FE/Domain1 nodes are fully configured to be sure that root and cron mail is being delivered properly.

  10. Remove the metacheck entry from the cron table, or else put in place a valid metacheck script.

  11. Fix the holidays files on all nodes in the /etc/acct/holidays file to be accurate for the current year.

Example 3–2 File System Layout of FE Servers

The FE servers are V210 machines with 2 available disks of 73 GB each.

Partition Name 




14 GB 

Root file system 


20 GB 

Where all Java EScomponent binaries (LDAP, messaging, portal, calendar, identity) are installed. 


20 GB 

Log file system 


20 GB 

Memory tmp file system 

ProcedureTo Configure a FE-MTA After Jump-Start

  1. Edit the prompt in the /.profile for root:

    PS1="`tput bold``/usr/ucb/whoami`@`uname -n`:#`tput sgr0` "
  2. Restore the contents of /var/bits with the following commands:

    # cd /var
    # gzcat bits/bits.tar.gz | tar xf -
  3. Change ownership of home directories with the following commands:

    # cd /home
    # for I in `ls`
    > do
    > chown $I $I
    > done
    # cd /
  4. Once the system is on the corporate network, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/user_attr to put root back as a role.

  5. Create additional metadbs with the following command:

    metadb -a -c 3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7
  6. Re-create the mirror of /queue with striped disks:

    1. Unmount it first with the following commands:

      umount /queue
      rm -r /queue
      mkdir /imta
    2. Set up slice3 on disks 3 & 4 using format with a start cylinder of 4226 and size of 3678 cylinders. The result should look like the following

      Total disk cylinders available: 14087 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
      Part      Tag   Flag   Cylinders     Size          Blocks
        0 unassigned   wm     0            0       (0/0/0)             0
        1       swap   wu     0 -  4121   20.00GB  (4122/0/0)   41945472
        2     backup   wm     0 - 14086   68.35GB  (14087/0/0) 143349312
        3 unassigned   wm  4226 -  7903   17.85GB  (3678/0/0)   37427328
        4 unassigned   wm     0            0       (0/0/0)             0
        5 unassigned   wm     0            0       (0/0/0)             0
        6 unassigned   wm     0            0       (0/0/0)             0
        7 unassigned   wm  4122 -  4225  516.75MB  (104/0/0)     1058304
    3. Run the following command:

      metainit -f d103 1 2 c1t0d0s3 c1t1d0s3 -i 32b
      metainit -f d203 1 2 c1t2d0s3 c1t3d0s3 -i 32b
      metainit -f d3 -m d103
      newfs -m 2 -i 4096 -o time /dev/md/rdsk/d3
    4. Edit the /etc/vfstab file. Comment out the following line:

      /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3  /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3  /queue  ufs  2  yes

      Add the following line:

      /dev/md/dsk/d3  /dev/md/rdsk/d3  /imta  ufs  2  yes  logging
    5. Run the following command:

      mount /imta
      metattach d0 d200
      metattach d3 d203
  7. Set up NTP using appropriate NTP server for FE/Domain1 nodes.

  8. Set up DNS using appropriate DNS servers for FE/Domain1 nodes.

  9. Do a preliminary sendmail configuration using MODE="" and stopping then restarting sendmail. You will need to re-verify this once the FE/Domain1 nodes are fully configured to be sure that root and cron mail is being delivered properly.

  10. Remove the metacheck entry from the cron table, or else put in place a valid metacheck script.

  11. Fix the holidays files on all nodes in the /etc/acct/holidays file to be accurate for the current year.

Example 3–3 File System Layout of FE Servers

The FE MTA servers are V240 machines with 4available disks of 73 GB each.

Partition Name 




10 GB 

Root file system 


20 GB 

Where all Java EScomponent binaries (LDAP, messaging, portal, calendar, identity) are installed. 


20 GB 

Log file system 


20 GB 

Disk 3: memory temp file system 


16 GB 

Stripe of 4 disks (4x4) for MTA queues 

ProcedureTo Configure the Administration Station After Jump-Start

  1. Edit the prompt in the /.profile for root:

    PS1="`tput bold``/usr/ucb/whoami`@`uname -n`:#`tput sgr0` "
  2. Restore the contents of /var/bits with the following commands:

    # cd /var
    # gzcat bits/bits.tar.gz | tar xf -
  3. Change ownership of home directories with the following commands:

    # cd /home
    # for I in `ls`
    > do
    > chown $I $I
    > done
    # cd /
  4. Once the system is on the corporate network, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/user_attr to put root back as a role.

  5. Create additional metadbs with the following command:

    metadb -a -c 3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s7 /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7
  6. Create a mirror of /export:

    1. Unmount it first with the following command:

      umount /export
      metainit -f d106 1 1 c1t2d0s6
      metainit -f d206 1 1 c1t3d0s6
      metainit -f d6 -m d106
    2. Edit the /etc/vfstab file. Comment out the entry for /export and add the following line:

      /dev/md/dsk/d6  /dev/md/rdsk/d6  /export  ufs  2  yes  logging
    3. Remount and attach the submirrors with the following commands:

      mount /export
      metattach d0 d200
      metattach d6 d206