Deployment Example: Sun Java System Communications Services for Access Anywhere (EdgeMail)

ProcedureInstalling the Directory Server Instances

  1. Plumb all interfaces. Make sure /etc/netmasks is updated correctly before you proceed.

    phys-bedge[123]-2# ifconfig ce1:5 plumb
         phys-bedge[123]-2# ifconfig ce1:5 netmask + broadcast + up
         phys-bedge[123]-2# echo "ds-amer-N" > /etc/hostname.ce1:5
  2. The file /etc/hosts should also be updated with IP address and host mapping for all Directory Server hosts at the site:

    phys-bedge[123]-2# grep "ds-" /etc/hosts
      ds-amer-02  ds-amer-03
  3. Install the Directory Server binaries with the Java ES installer on BE clusters 1, 2, and 3, and on all FE hosts. Nothing in the silent install state file ds.cnf needs changing.

    phys-bedge[123]-2# cd /var/bits/java_es/Solaris_sparc
    phys-bedge[123]-2# ./installer -noconsole -state /var/bits/silent/ds.cnf
    fe-amer-NN# cd /var/bits/java_es/Solaris_sparc
    fe-amer-NN# ./installer -noconsole -state /var/bits/silent/ds.cnf
  4. Create the configuration branches (CFG) on the BE servers. CFG need to be installed on all servers where USR will be.

    phys-bedge1-2# /usr/sbin/directoryserver -u 5.2 configure -noconsole \
                   -nodisplay -state /var/bits/silent/ds-cfg-1.cnf
      Update of the Directory Server layout ... done
      Update of the links between server root and Directory Server Layout ... done
      [slapd-cfg]: starting up server ...
      [slapd-cfg]: [26/Jan/2005:14:20:28 -0800] -
    Sun-ONE-Directory/5.2_Patch_2 B2004.107.0034 (64-bit) starting up
      [slapd-cfg]: [26/Jan/2005:14:20:31 -0800] -
    Listening on all interfaces port 34389 for LDAP requests
      [slapd-cfg]: [26/Jan/2005:14:20:31 -0800] - slapd started. 
      Your new directory server has been started.
      Created new Directory Server
      Start Slapd  Starting Slapd server configuration.
       Success Slapd Added Directory Server information to Configuration Server.
      Configuration of the server(s) succeeded.
    phys-bedge2-2# /var/bits/silent/
    phys-bedge3-2# /var/bits/silent/
  5. Create CFG instances on the FE servers with the following commands:

    fe-amer-NN# /usr/sbin/directoryserver -u 5.2 configure -noconsole \
                 -nodisplay -state /var/bits/silent/ds-cfg-fe.cnf
  6. Create the USR instance on the master directory (phys-bedge1–2), and configure the USR instance on the replicas:

    phys-bedge1-2# /var/bits/silent/
      [slapd-usr]: starting up server ...
      [slapd-usr]: [26/Jan/2005:14:21:58 -0800] -
    Sun-ONE-Directory/5.2_Patch_2 B2004.107.0034 (64-bit) starting up
      [slapd-usr]: [26/Jan/2005:14:22:01 -0800] -
    Listening on all interfaces port 389 for LDAP requests
      [slapd-usr]: [26/Jan/2005:14:22:01 -0800] - slapd started. 
      Your new directory server has been started.
      Created new Directory Server
      Start Slapd  Starting Slapd server configuration.
      Success Slapd Added Directory Server information to Configuration Server.
    phys-bedge2-2# /usr/sbin/directoryserver -u 5.2 configure -noconsole \
                   -nodisplay -state /var/bits/silent/ds-usr-2.cnf
    phys-bedge3-2# /usr/sbin/directoryserver -u 5.2 configure -noconsole \
                   -nodisplay -state /var/bits/silent/ds-usr-3.cnf