Deployment Example: Sun Java System Communications Services for Access Anywhere (EdgeMail)

ProcedureTo Install and Configure Access Manager

  1. Run the Java ES installer using the silent install state file.

    id-amer-NN# cd /var/bits/Java_es/Solaris_sparc
    id-amer-NN# ./installer -nodisplay -noconsole \
                           -state /var/bits/silent/AccessManagerStateFile
  2. Verify the installation by accessing the Access Manager console at Log in as amadmin using the password given in AccessManagerStateFile.

  3. On all Access Manager instances except, perform the following configuration changes to avoid a service initialization error:

    1. After logging in, select General Properties and edit the Organization alias. Add this server's name to the Organization Alias, for example Save the changes.

    2. Select the Service Configuration tab, then select Platform and edit the Server List. Add this server's name and port, for example|02, and save the changes.